Sunday, November 18, 2018

Trump's Forest Management Plan for California

Melania, hard at work.

“I was watching the firemen the other day and they were raking areas, they were raking areas where the fire was right over there,” he complained. “And they’re raking trees, little trees like this that are not trees, little bushes that you could see are totally dry. Weeds. And they’re raking them, they’re on fire.  That should have been all raked out. You wouldn’t have the fires.”  

-The Donald in conversation with Chris Wallace of Fox 'News' 


  1. Replies
    1. Susan, just when I think it can't get any worse it actually does! I'm just flabbergasted...

  2. And he still says that Climate Change is a myth. Sigh. And hiss and spit.

    1. Yeah, he's still in denial. I watched him blather on about Finland and forest floors flanked by two men who rightly oppose him: Governor Brown and Lt. Governor Newsom. What must they have been thinking...?

  3. Oh I can say...He clueless on forest manage and lot of other things.
    Coffee is on

  4. You have to admire her for raking the garden with her pink heels on. Hahaha. Sorry. Look we Theresa May to deal with.

    1. True. Hey, maybe Melania and May could have a dance-off?

    2. By the looks of the way May dances I think Melania would win. That would please her husband. :D

  5. Such a sensitive man to give such wise advice before all the bodies of the 1000+ have even been found and identified.

  6. What a raking conversation.

  7. Have you seen how the Finnish are now trolling him on this? #RakeAmericaGreatAgain. Classic.

  8. What wisdom! What logic! I will be sure to pass it on to our people before the next fire season starts. And of course the Prime Minister's wife will put on her stiletto heels, grab a spade and pitch in.


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