Saturday, November 26, 2011

Childhood re-visited via YouTube!

From Laurel and Hardy quotes to a Zappa-like, cantina song, Hardware Wars never fails to make me feel nostalgic for home.  And, it's a real laugh-riot, too.


  1. Is it bad that I don't know this one?! Eeeep!

  2. Doria: it's a weird-o thing that came out when I was a kid in the 70s and made by a local film maker in San Francisco. I've often wondered how well-distributed it was... Again, let's thank YouTube for spreading the love!

    -hope your Turkey Day was a good one!


A piece of your mind here:

When it rains, it pours.

It has been pouring water out of the sky on and off for the past week, I'd say, and I really wish the title of this post were actually r...