Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013 Goals

Inspired by both Juanita's list and Janet's list I'm now going to jot down my own list of 2013 goals that I hope is realistic, achievable, and only a wee bit frivolous.  Can I actually come up with thirteen goals?  -toughie.

1.  Join a Verein (group) with the intention of participating in a regular (weekly?) activity.  I'd hope that the Verein would lead to my having Verein acquaintances.  Ex-pat life can feel lonely.

2.  Pigging-backing on #1, I'd really like to make the acquaintance of new people!  Last weekend, I spent four days in LDN.  Over those four days, I visited with four different, dear people.  Human contact feels good.

3.  As with all of us ex-pats here in ZH aiming to integrate, I'd like to become more conversant in German.  I think that, with time, I will become better in both speaking and listening, so maybe this is a throw-away goal.  Heh.

4.  Knock on the neighbor's door (as per her instruction) for a cuppa and a chat.  She's given me permission, so I shouldn't have door-bell angst...right?

5.  Stop being afraid of the snow that falls incessantly outside my window.  (This goal will wane as the months wear on and temperatures increase, but I should be prepared for next year's flakes, too.)

6.  Return to doodling as it gives me pleasure.

7.  Figure out how the new composting system in ZH works.  I truly hate throwing out food waste.

8.  Continue corresponding to a certain relative via post and hoping that she enjoys what she reads.

9.  Figure out how to dispose of the Xmas tree that is now drying out in the living room.

10.  Keep my composure when folk cut in line at the Baeckerei/Metzgerei/anywhere where one should queue up because there's nothing I can do about it.

Ten goals aren't thirteen, but, then again, thirteen goals to shoot for is a tall order!  I wonder how I'll manage with ten...


  1. Sounds like a good list to me, I just read Rebecca's 101 list, wowza!

  2. Sounds like a solid set of expat-life-in-Zürich goals to me. Indeed, start with a Verein. What about a sporty one, too?

    Regarding composting, I am lucky to have been able to live above a restaurant, so naturally, they have a big green Kompost collecting bin where I took my weekly "supply" there. Walk around your neighbourhood and look out for a Kompost bin, somewhere. Or better yet, go to your neighbour's for a cuppa and ask about it :)

    I hardly can keep my composure when it comes to un-chivalrous people!!!! Ruins the whole day, doesn't it?

    So glad to have you "join" us. We'll have to take a look back in December 2013, and see how far we've gone :D

    1. It's great you've been able to 'partner' with the resto downstairs instead of having to bin the food waste. Those Zuri bags aren't cheap!

  3. The tree is now sitting in a corner, dry and a potential fire hazard!


A piece of your mind here:

When it rains, it pours.

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