Monday, April 29, 2013

Brocki 'find' #2

Mid-century modern glow for under 200 CHF.

After first eyeing this floor lamp in the window at the local Brockenhaus, I waited a few days before actually going into the shop to check it out.  Fortunately for me, the lamp was still there and I decided to buy it.  Standing about five feet tall and weighing the size of a small child, the schlepping of the lamp to the tram station five blocks away was not pretty.   Nor was it a picnic to be standing at the back of the carriage with a gaggle of pre-schoolers intent on both knocking into me and stepping on my feet.  Hugging the lamp to my chest I could do nothing but feebly request that they 'passt auf'.  With sore arms the next day, I set the lamp up in the corner of the living room, turned it on and was very pleased indeed.  Having found such a gorgeous and well-maintained mid-century modern design made almost being trampled by youngsters on the tram worth it.


  1. Loving the lamp!!! Hope you are well :)

    1. Thanks, D! The lamp is pretty groovy. I hope you are well, too. x

  2. I am loving your Brocki finds. Such great things; totally worth 'pass'-ing-'auf' from the kids in trams.

    1. Thanks, Juanita. I have been pretty darn fortunate in the Brocki dept., for sure!


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