Monday, November 10, 2014

Flat viewing

Of the 11 interested parties only 1 was, or so I thought, a 'no show'.  Wires had been crossed and I had made an appt. with him to view the flat on Friday, whereas he was sure I had made an appt. with him for Monday.  I waited in vain for him last week and he, apparently, waited in vain for me this morning.  -should have had clearer communication from the outset via email.  A short and somewhat casual phone convo doesn't really cut the mustard when trying to find a suitable Nachmieter.  As we are moving out of the flat during an unscheduled period--ausserterminlischer Auszug, we are responsible to find the next renters.  -not a fun chore.  We've put up a rather good-looking ad in online want-ads and have received a rather favorable response.  The next hurdle is to have the landlord to approve of the interested parties.

I have been largely very impressed with the punctuality of the visitors.  I hate to say that I have been impressed because, really, everyone should just show up when they say they will, and, if not, call to reschedule or cancel.  It's not really that hard, is it?

The range of folk visiting has been quite interesting.  -families, pairs, solos...younger, older, but mostly Swiss German and German.  There was only one native English-speaking couple who came to view the flat.  They seemed quite keen.  I do hope they have a 'fighting chance' as the woman then said to me after she and her partner decided they would like to live here.

I am waiting on another afternoon visitor just now.  He's just shy of being late.  An actual 'no show', perhaps?

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