Monday, January 23, 2017

Disco commute

One thing that has perked me up of late is seeing a particular woman on my morning commute. I first noticed her a few months ago. She and I both take the same two trains down the peninsula to work. We're often on the same carriage. She is waiting to exit our local suburban rail, shimmying by the doors. It's approximately 7.45 by the time our train pulls into the first station, and, as one can imagine, no one is even 1/4 as peppy as this woman. Ear buds in, knees bent with arms moving to and fro, this woman is taken by the spirit of whatever is playing on her iPod. I recently sat across from her on the train, so I actually know that she is getting down to the boogie of pure disco gold. Deney Terrio would be proud.

As we wait for our second train on a nearby platform, she can be seen dancing in place. A series of small moves, she sort of walks in place, knees bending. Short, fast, rhythmic--she moves while the rest of us stand like sentinels waiting for our train to arrive. This woman makes me smile.


  1. How nice to see someone living the expression
    'Sing like no one is listening.
    Love like you’ve never been hurt.
    Dance like nobody’s watching,
    and live like it’s heaven on earth.'
    And creating happiness by doing so.

    1. She is powered by her love of dancing. Good for her!

      The music is vintage disco. Like, omg, groovy disco. Brings me back to my childhood. :)

  2. The Dancing Queen? Good for her. I loved disco (not dancing in one, the music). Still do! Alana

    1. She is the ultimate Soul Train dancin' queen! I could see her as having been an extra in Saturday Night Fever. This woman has the moves.

  3. Replies
    1. I'd probably feel even better if I were to start dancing as well. :)

  4. Have you seen that You Tube video of a woman dancing at the bus-stop? Look it up. Very funny and quite endearing.

    1. I have not, but will check it out, thanks!


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