Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Walk to work.

SF has a massive homelessness problem. I don't have stats, but it seems that in my time spent abroad from 2010 to 2015, ever more 'tent zones' have sprung up dotting bits of the Mission District and beyond.

There's one short block off of Market St. heading toward Mission St. that I have been walking down en route to one of my volunteer gigs since November of last year. It's since become a 'sleeping rough' corridor.


  1. My relatively affluent city has a similar problem. And to date no effective solutions. Assistance is piece meal and inadequate. Which fills me with shame.

    1. That's sad to read. It's been said that folk are attracted to the mild climate CA has, but one can still perish here while sleeping rough during winter. I was treated to the sight of a man's buttocks whiöe coming home. Guy was disheveled, couldn't keep his shorts on while stumbling up the road. Shame on us, indeed.

  2. Such a terrible problem. My city of Long Beach has been doing some things of late--like counting the numbers of homeless. Not enough, of course.

    1. Do you know what the count is then used for? We have opened at least one 'navigation center' in the Mission Dist. I understand there should be a handful opened by 2018. Homeless folk are to receive support at such facilities, but I am not sure in what capacity. I would imagine that Long Beach has incredibly hospitable weather. Those who sleep outdoors do not die of hypothermia during the winter mos., down south, right?

  3. So sad. :( It makes me furious that homelessness is such a big problem in the country while there are more foreclosed houses sitting empty and abandoned than there are homeless people.

    1. and as for guinea pigging... shoot me an email iworshipzoot[at] and I'll send the book over.
      :D :D :D


A piece of your mind here:

Earthquakes and old friends...

I was en route to my mom's place in the East Bay around 11a when a warning message flashed across my phone's screen: TSUNAMI WARNING...