Friday, December 22, 2017

An independent bookseller in Hayward?

Yes, an independent bookstore has opened its doors in dowtown Hayward & thank goodness! B Street Books, a downtown Hayward fixture for around 50 years, lost their lease, I think, two years back. A long-term employee of that shop, R. Rettig, opened up the current spot, Books on B, directly across from the old bookstore location. Whatever the name of the joint, books are back on B Street!

Also fun: Books on B sells shop-swag in the form of cute totes, t-shirts (yellow), mugs (also yellow) & pint glasses. I say: every little helps! 

Books on B is an open, airy space. The walls are a very light-green and the front windows emit a ton of natural light. There's an immediate sense of 'ahh' when walking into this shop. If you're expecting a musty-dusty book experience, then be happily surprised here. 

One is able to find, among other subjects: LGBT-themed texts, history books--with a solid emphasis on local history, women's lit., children's lit. (some Spanish language titles as well), auto-biography, sci-fi/fantasy, and cookbooks. 

There are two comfy chairs on premises for those who wish to sit and browse a spell. Currently, there's a wrap-your-own-gift-book table that looked very inviting. Next year's calendars are in stock. Single and boxed cards are sold as well. I was particularly taken with the selection of hummingbird-themed box sets. 

On a lower shelf of a lovely wooden table (also for sale) was a small selection of community-event flyers and cards.

What I liked most about visiting Books on B was the sense of comeraderie, and sort of 'togetherness' between the customers and bookstore workers/volunteers. The owner of the shop was able to raise a pretty penny in the form of generous donations to get the bookstore up and running. She currently has 'helpers' assist customers on the floor & with stocking shelves. Through continued community initiative, this little beauty should be around for years to come. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it's good for book lovers & good for Hayward.

  2. We have an independent bookshop here called Mr B's Emporium.

    1. Very nice. Too bad Renee hadn't thought of that. Miss B's Emporium has a nice ring to it.

  3. Happy Christmas Bea.....have a wonderful time x

  4. Love those small Mom and Pop book store. We have one in Bonners Ferry and I got a few of my christmas gifts there.
    I stop in from Liz and if you fine the time stop in for a cup of coffee

    1. Yes, it's wonderful that this bookshop is able to open & hopefully it will thrive.

      Happy New Year,


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