Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Porch packages & walking SF

My husband is really into cycling & he orders a lot of bike kit online. The above pic shows the usual package delivery model. You'll like to know that the gate was left open, but alas, who cares to look out for that sort of thing?

I have since put a wee sign up asking that packages be put inside the gate instead of left on the stairs. Sometimes packages are left at the garage door, or at the bottom of the stairs. The doorbell is rung, usually, so, if I'm home, I'll often go out to find boxes left sort of where ever. Since you're seeing a picture of the packages, these weren't stolen. From what I hear, my neighbors have not been so lucky, unfortunately.

SF weather is so mild that I was able to take a five mile walk around town yesterday clad in a thin jacket sans gloves, hat and scarf.

Here are some of the snaps I took while out and about--
View from the ped. bridge over O'Shaughnessy: Glen Park

View from Noe Valley. -way off in the distance: Bernal Hill.

I'm a sucker for curved glass & these babies have stood the test of time.

Buena Visa area just off Haight St. 


  1. Hello, and thanks for the comment.
    I visited SF in 1980. I'd be there again in a heartbeat, if it could come to pass. Take care of Lombard Street for me.

  2. Great shots.

    Yeah, there are porch bandits here as well. One day the UPS guy actually left a package with me instead of on a neighbor's porch. If only they did that more often.

    1. That's really cool that the delivery dude left your neighbors package with you. I have never seen that around these parts, but would hope it's happening.

    2. add an apostrophe up there... ;)

  3. Some glorious views. I too am a sucker for curved glass. And quirky buildings.
    We are having parcel issues here, but it isn't that they are being stolen after delivery - they are not being delivered. And we are currently in a war with our postal system. Tracked packages which are recorded as received and then simply stop moving...

    1. Would your missing parcels be being pilfered by postal workers or are packages somehow winding up in the bin? Either way it's bad.

    2. Either of those are options. I am missing at least three and my partner two. And of course others will also be affected. The postal service is busy - but also seems to be very inefficient.

  4. If they left boxes on steps here, the army would blow them up.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. There's still so much original glass here. It's a treat to see it all while out on walks.


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