Saturday, December 9, 2017


My cousin sees a therapist & raves about her. He knows that I've been looking for therapy services since moving home from Europe, so he gave me her phone no. I think he thought I would be able to see her professionally, but, of course, that would be a conflict of interest. I thought, maybe, she'd be able to refer me to someone in the area, so I gave the therapist a call.

It turns out my cousin's therapist is based in Marin Co., and has very few contacts here in the city. She knew of one guy here, but other than his working where I live, I couldn't figure out why she gave me his info. His specialty is addiction & that is not my problem. I called him anyway. We chatted briefly before getting around to how much he charges. Anyone wanna take a guess?

He charges $250.00 per session. The guy made sure to stress twice that he's been 'doing this' for thirty years. Okay, but that doesn't make you good at it, and I'll certainly never know.

There was a woman who my cousin's therapist thought would be a good fit for me, but she works in a city that is about 30 miles from where I live. It's a long drive made longer by our now constant traffic snarls, and made more annoying by a seven dollar bridge toll. I love the Golden Gate Bridge, but fuck that toll.


  1. Well, Bea. I think that is a great idea. If you don't have insurance it is very expensive. It sometimes takes several times to find the right one. Both my husband and son have their Ph.D.'s in psychology. There are only so many hours in the day they can see patients and the malpractice insurance and overhead is what makes it so high. In fact, Medicare and Medicaid are cutting psych services and it is so sad since so many need help. Hope you find a good one. I'm surprised it is that price in SF. It's that much in OK.

    1. Wow, the SF prices are comparable to those in OK? Do you husband and son practice? Cutting of mental health services seems a bit counterproductive. -very sad, indeed. I hope I find a good one, too. It's been a bit like 'kissing frogs', if you know what I mean.

  2. Good luck. From what I have heard, finding a good therapist is a live saver. They seem to be rare breeds though.
    And I hope that your frogs magically turn.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I think that it really can be one. Frogs be gone!

  3. Wow, that's a steep toll, especially if you have to cross the bridge daily.

    1. I know, it's totally kooky especially given the fact that the toll booth is now unmanned. One receives a toll bill in the mail. It's actually seven bucks and some change. F that.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yikes, that is a high toll... do they have the Fast Pass like the bay bridge? $250/hr? Wow, I live a couple hours drive from there and have found a very insightful therapist for $65/hr. No wonder we have so many people move here from the Bay Area!


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