Saturday, May 26, 2018

Bea, Duchess of San Mateo County

In a nod to Meghan's California roots, her Coat of Arms includes our state flower: the golden poppy.  

I have to say, I dig this nod to the West Coast. Looking at her Coat of Arms, I began thinking of what my Coat of Arms might look like were I to magically have one. Mine wouldn't just have an element of our shared homestate, but would be entirely made up of elements representing my No. California coastal upbringing. 

My Coat of Arms would also include the California poppy alongside a smattering of ice-plant sprigs. Standing on the greenery would be two red-tailed hawks flanking the crest. Maybe one could have a gopher in its talon? I'd replace the quills with three crustaceans, crabs to be precise. Crowning the top of the crest would be a light blanketing of fog. 


  1. I prefer to fly under the radar. No coat of arms for me.

  2. I wonder what the three feathers are about.

  3. I'm sure Meghan had input, and she did a nice job, representing her country. Tom, I read the feathers represent communication; they are quills. Hmmmm.....more communication necessary there.

    1. I would think that the golden poppies were a collaborative effort.

  4. The thought never entered my head. But I agree, it would be fun to work out a personal coat of arms. Mine would have a broad shimmering water course, the Rhine. Perhaps a bottle of something cool flavoursome too?

    You’ll have to explain the German in your comment. Please? And SF is ? San Francisco?

    1. Hi, Friko! I found the Proust comment to be fitting, but, honestly, in the moment, I forgot the word 'fitting' and could only remember 'treffend'. It just resonated with me.

      SF is San Francisco, yes. :)

      I like your Coat of Arms idea.

  5. Sounds very nice. I actually have a coat of arms. Well, sort of. My family name has one. I have a copy of it somewhere...

    1. Ohhh! Does yours include a mythical animal or anything cool like that?


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