Thursday, June 21, 2018

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers is an editorial cartoonist who, up until about a week ago, had been employed at the same Pittsburg paper since 1993. He'd won awards, he'd done stellar work.

Apparently, Rogers had become 'too angry' in recent years, and was ultimately fired for his anti-Trump bias. Interestingly, his firing seemed to coincide with the paper having moved politically to the right. Indeed, the publication endorsed Trump for president within its pages. Was Rogers actually 'too angry' or was he just stepping on the toes of his Trump-loving boss?

I'd say that he was just doing his darn job.

Here are a few choice cartoons from Rogers, now working as a freelancer--

The cartoon below is the one that supposedly got Rogers fired. It packs a punch.


  1. Love the cartoons. I have posted a couple of cartoons from a cartoonist who is banned from several papers here.

    1. To be able to convey such meaning in a one-panel cartoon. What a skill! Is your cartoonist banned because he ran afoul of his bosses as well?

  2. Powerful and instantly recognisable. And from my perspective right on the money.

  3. Almost every day, Trump does something which eclipses the enormity of his previous act.

    1. Yes, he seems to be testing the limits of our democracy everyday.

  4. Dr. Seuss published satirical nazi/fascist cartoons in the thirties. There's a very Dr. Rogers edge to this work.

  5. I saw that last one on Twitter. Very talented. "Too angry"? Yeah, I don't see it.


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