Thursday, July 26, 2018

Filene's Basement

After moving to NYC, I didn't think I could afford to clothe myself in the pricey world of Manhattan, but Filene's Basement had my back, as it were.

The store was full up with cheap goods sold by folk who mostly could not be bothered to use common pleasantries, bought by people who also might not be on their best behavior.

I recall my first visit to Filene's in the Upper West Side in December of 2009. Stood behind me in an already very long line was a seemingly impatient woman/possible tourette's sufferer who right after the cashier loudly said, 'Next', would blurt out equally loudly 'Next!' It was sort of like hearing an unpleasant echo for minutes on end. Mind you, I wasn't going to Filene's for any 'feel good' moments, just a good deal on wool socks.

Alas, fun like that can no longer be had as Filene's underwent a restructuring a few years ago and is now an online retailer only.


  1. I am a (usually) unashamed eavesdropper and am amazed at what people feel free to let slip (or fly).

    1. It was always an interesting scene at Filene's. People in the queue often had rather loud opinions on how long the wait to pay was.

  2. Ah, the best of humanity? Some establishments just attract the more interesting sorts.

    1. Yes and these places are primarily discount clothing emporiums.


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