Friday, August 24, 2018


Our landlord has the trash, recycling & compost pick-up under his name. That means that if we should ever need to have a bin changed or if we were to have an unusually large pick-up to be handled, then we would have to ask him to arrange it. There are no associated fees for larger pick-ups, but the request does need to be called in some days in advance.

Over a year ago, I had asked the landlord if he would arrange for the pick-up of an old bed frame we were no longer using. It was broken; we didn't want to store it any longer. The landlord mentioned that we could just leave it on the street and someone would surely take it. This is against the law, actually, but I told him that I'd prefer to not create an eyesore for other residents on the block. His response was to say that he'd take care of it. Well, okay. The bed frame then disappeared from the garage downstairs and I thought that was that.

Well, I just saw the landlord unload the bed frame on the corner across the way. I guess he had had it in storage for the past year? In the time it has taken me to write this missive, someone has just strapped the darn thing to the top of a car and is about to drive off with it. I guess I should have just listened to him all those months ago and dumped the darn thing across the street myself!

Now you see it....

now you don't!


  1. At least it wasn't cluttering up your place for a year.

  2. What do they say: One person's trash is another's treasure. Hopefully they get some use out of it.

    1. Yes, I hope so, too. The wood is really nice.

  3. Another blogger I follow loves to shop via the side of the road. It is illegal, so I understand why you wouldn't want to do this. There's also Freecycle where you can post things you want to get rid of, and someone will respond that they want it.

    1. I like the Freecycle idea. Thank you for the tip!

  4. One man's trash is another man's shabby chic!

  5. I know there are certain people searching around the streets for furniture and other stuff before the official collectors come to take things away.
    Nice hobby, but not mine, though I don't object to second hand items.

    1. I love second hand stuff more than I love breaking the law. :) Odds are whatever old junk I put out just may well be collected within minutes!


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