Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Bird of prey

Cooper's Hawk

Are you all sick of the bird drawings yet? :D

Since the cortisone injection last Wednesday, the swelling in my foot seems to have gone down a bit. The doc told me that I should starting feeling its effects 'come the weekend'. Well, I didn't, to be honest. But, now, one week later, I think something good is happening in the foot. Woohoo.

Having been cooped up inside the house since mid September, I'm really ready to get out and just take a walk around the block. Hopefully, that will happen soon.

As one can imagine, sitting on the sofa for hours on end ain't all that grand. Fortunately, drawing has helped me get out of my head a bit these past few days and for that I'm grateful. Above is a another fave bird of mine: the Cooper's Hawk. I got a bit tired of drawing wee cute birds & decided to give this one a go. This guy is my first attempt. He looks a bit lumpy, but I'm digging it.


  1. Until I sold the house three years ago, I lived across the road from a hawk rookery. Mom and dad work tirelessly feeding the little kids for several weeks. Then one day mom and dad leave. The kids stand around on branches for a day or two, demanding food. Then they leave, too.

    1. Oooh, that must have been neat to be able to observe them at close range. I regularly see adult hawks hanging on lamp posts down by the ocean looking for snacks to catch hidden amongst the ice plants.

  2. Hi Bea! Here I am, return-visiting your blog :-)
    I like your drawings, but hope you'll soon be able to go for that walk around the block. If I don't get out and about enough, I am simply not myself, and having had two operations this year with enforced stay-at-home time, I fully sympathise.

    1. Ahh, nice to see you here. Danke für den Besuch! :)

      Yes, one tends to go a bit stir crazy when stuck indoors.

  3. Dear Bea, I get to your post only once a week and last week got a little crazy and so I read only a very few blogs and missed yours. So I went back today and looked at all your drawings. They just seem to capture the essence of the bird. I especially like the robin and the Cooper's hawk. I'm hoping to teach myself to draw a little. I have a DVD and a couple of books that I hope will help me do so. I admire you for finding something as wonderful as this to do while you recuperate. But I so hope that soon you will be able to walk around the block.......and find more birds to draw! Peace.

    1. Hiya, Dee! Great to hear from you.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the drawings. I appreciate it. Drawing does help take one out of one's immediate experience. It's a nice diversion.

      May you enjoy teaching yourself to draw! x

    2. Dear Bea, thanks for the encouragement. I'm probably not going to start right away. First I need to clear the clutter and prepare sort of a studio where I will draw and do wear color (going to teach myself that too!) and do jigsaw puzzles. All will happen when the time is right! Please keep on drawing! Peace.

    3. :D I love a good jigsaw puzzle! x

  4. Excellent work, Bea. Love the drawing. Hope the feet is cooperating more and you can get out of the house. Take care.

    1. Thank you! It was fun to draw. I think it helps, subject matter-wise, that I just plain love hawks. :D

  5. Oooh, that must have been neat to be able to observe them at close range. I regularly see adult hawks hanging on lamp posts down by the ocean looking for snacks to catch hidden amongst the ice plants.

    1. Yes, they do seem to have their regular lamp posts spots down along the Great Highway. I've seen a couple of hawks going in for a snack in the shrubs that line the part of Ocean Ave. adjacent to Balboa Park.

  6. Thank you for this great information. I’ve only had one cortisone injection in my hip one time. I’ve been considering it for other issues and this information has been very helpful, things I didn’t know about.
    Cortisone Injection


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