Monday, November 12, 2018

Ranty-pants & hazy air

Look. I'm not proud, but I felt compelled. At least I didn't shoot up a pizza parlour thinking HRC were running a kiddie porn ring of its basement or some such crap. So, I just learned this the hard way: You can't call Ann Coulter (USA's version of Katie Hopkins) a 'cunt' on Twitter. For my efforts, I've been temporarily barred from using the site. Maybe I could have gotten away with 'twat', but I went for the moniker I thought most appropriate. She's a CU next Tuesday. -should have written that, but I thought it too cutesy.

Coulter seems to delight in being hateful. She's anti-immigrant, pro-guns, and anti-women's choice. Nothing she stands for I support. Coulter, along with trump, decided to kick us while we're down saying that CA. is too concerned with 'getting illegals driving licenses' to be properly overseeing our gas and electric company. Before being probably forced to express sympathy for those whose lives have been upended by the wildfires here in CA., idiot trump criticized us for not 'maintaining our forests'. And he, of course, then threatened to withhold federal aid.

A) Most forested areas in CA are under federal jurisdiction; B) Butte Co., where the No. Cal. fires have ravaged entire towns, is a majority Trump-supporting area. Way to go, fucker. You're dumping on folk who voted for you.

We're experiencing yet again 'the worst wildfire season' ever in CA. The air quality here in SF is really bad. It's hazy and there's a persistent smell of campfire throughout the house. (All windows are closed.) Folk are encouraged to stay indoors, or wear masks if going outside. I was out yesterday for a spell and my eyes started to burn ever so slightly. That wasn't pleasant.

On Thursday, *Sutro Tower was mostly visible. By Friday, all I could see was this:

View from my stoop. 
*if you couldn't tell, Sutro Tower is red and white.


  1. Well, I don't Twitter, so I won't call you out on it, though it's never been in my vocabulary. My former husband used it extensively, and quite put me off. I am appalled at the threat of withholding aid. Somehow folks in charge of shoving along the wheels of government bypass the man.But how this needs to end.

    1. Sorry. I just felt compelled. Yes, it needs to end straight away.

  2. Sigh. I saw your fires and their extent and shuddered.
    And I blame those politicians (yours and our own) who refuse to admit that climate change is happening and that we caused it while continuing to pander to big business.

  3. Being barred from Twitter is not something which would bother me, especially if the target of my insults deserved them as much as yours obviously did. I use that word a lot but never against women, especially being a man. I like the lack of capitals when referring to trump. I may start doing that myself. It must be bad with those fires on your doorstep.

    1. Not so much bothered about being barred from Twitter, as I am at how people like Ann and Katie stir the pot by saying the most outrageous things. I often wonder if they actually even mean what they say or if they bask in the responses, negative and positive alike.

  4. I been in facebook jail for 48 hours for being to social.
    Coffee is on

    1. Really?! Wow. I didn't know one could be barred from FB for 'self-expression'.

    2. eBay threatened to bar me if I ever tried to sell a WW2 British hand grenade again. True. What was I thinking???

    3. Yeah, but was it operational? I don't see the issue if it's merely decorative.

    4. Fully operational (I refitted a spring, pin and handle) but lacking a detonator, fuse and explosive. All anyone had to do was find those last three items and... I used to have one as a kid, so for me it is/was a sentimental thing.

  5. I'm partial to Coultergeist. But, yeah, she's vile.

    I heard about the mask thing. My uncle, who is 79, was complaining about the mask thing. I just realized he's elderly. I wonder how he's faring. The smoke... Yeah, I bet it's awful.

    1. I hope your uncle has a good mask to wear. My cousins up in Sonoma have said air quality has been really poor of late.

  6. I like CU next Tuesday. Never heard that before but I like it a lot. Ann is certainly one of those. We have family in Sacramento so we have heard from them about how awful the air quality has been. Hope it clears up soon.

    1. Oh, man. Yeah, I can imagine that the air in Sac is much worse than here. :(

  7. I pray that fire in CA will vanish soon.

    have a great day.


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