Monday, November 26, 2018

Scenic Route

Along Lobitos Creek Rd.
View from the car

The husband and I took a short trip down the coast today. We drove the scenic route to Redwood City in search of possibly finding a second-hand desk. After a few days of good rain, the skies 'round here are clear and the air no longer smells of smoke. It really was a perfect day for a drive. 

I had thought we'd take the usual route from the ocean, going east on HWY 92 at Half Moon Bay, but the hubs suggested we take the road he sometimes cycles along to get to work. Having grown up here, I thought I knew all the roads going inland from the coast chiefly because there aren't very many, but I had no idea where we were going. We took a left turn off the highway just south of Half Moon Bay onto a street called Verde. After a few minutes, we veered left at a fork in the road and found ourselves on Lobitos Creek Road. I had no idea these roads even existed, but, really, why would I? This area is still primarily farmland. The only cars usually found here are driven by area locals, not day-trippers like us. Lobitos Creek is a narrow wind full of hairpin turns coursing through some lovely countryside. 

More Lobitos Creek

About 15 minutes into our drive along Lobitos, eucalyptus, coastal scrub & pine gave way to a massive grove of redwoods. Entering the grove, the air changed and the temperature dropped slightly. Ferns, moss & the big trees were our new driving companions, as it were. 

Entering the Redwood grove

Reaching the end of the road

After a leisurely drive through the redwoods, we made our way to town. We struck out on the desk search, but did enjoy the journey it took to get there. 


  1. I am always a big, big fan of the scenic route. And envy you your drive though the redwoods.

  2. What a beautiful drive! Beautiful scenery. Wonderful barns. No wonder the cows in California cow commercials are so happy.

  3. I do love driving through trees like that, but I thought you could only find roads like that in Oregon. I'm glad I'm wrong.

    1. The Bay Area has these pockets of beauty. It's nice to be reminded of them. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, it was. Perfect weather, perfect scenery.

  5. Oh, that’s the kind of off the main roads we always enjoyed if we were in an area long enough to do so, as opposed to driving through to reach a distant destination.

    Playing catch-up on some of your earlier posts. Enjoyed reading about the S.F. area of years past. Recall my bro wrote us in the Midwest of his work and recreation in the Half Moon Bay area — beach cookouts, etc. Fascinating to us land bound folks.

    1. HMB is still lovely. Traffic isn't, but that's no surprise, I guess.

      The scenic route is such a nice diversion.

  6. It does look like quite the lovely drive. Sorry you struck out on the desk. Glad to hear the rain has helped clear things up your way. Take care.

    1. Yes, it was a treat to drive through the Lobitos area. Funny, it took me this long to discover it!

  7. It's always nice to take the scenic route if you have the time. Now you'll have to take another drive out to find a desk.


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