Saturday, December 1, 2018


Ben Eine, from what I've read, created a series of murals in Octavia St. as a sort of 'calling card' for his then upcoming show at a local gallery here in 2011. The only mural of his that I remember noticing and had the pleasure of photographing is the one above from 2013, when I was visiting home from abroad. Upon moving back in 2015, I found that the mural had been painted over. -shame, really. Also: Can you identify what this piece is called? 

When I was living in London, Eine's work seemed to be everywhere. -that or I was spending a lot of time in Shoreditch. The first piece I recognised as Eine's work was CHANGE. I took a photo of that one as well, but don't know where I've stashed it on the computer. Given that Eine has been fairly prolific, there are shed loads of images of his work on the net. 

Here is CHANGE--

I have just read that Eine's work is displayed in galleries & on buildings all over the world. I hadn't realised how successful he was. I suppose the person who had his mural painted over in San Francisco didn't know either. 


  1. I suspect you are right that the person who painted over the mural did so in ignorance.
    Over here some years back our local government approved a mural created by street kids. An opposing politician didn't bother to investigate and took it on himself to erase it.

    1. Ouch! A wonderful achievement, no doubt, for the kiddos. I hope that politician felt like a horse's ass for what he did.

    2. The politician in question WAS a horse's fundament. He disparaged the artistic merit as his excuse.

  2. We have Banksy. Everyone wants their buildings to be defaced by him.

    1. Interestingly, Eine is also British. I think his actual surname is Flynn or something. I'm sure if we had understood that he is basically on par with Banksy, we would have left his art alone.

  3. My little old Akron Ohio has GraffitiHeart, a newish program to sponsor aft on walls and raise money for art for underserved kids. This last year was the third, and raised 31K. No Eine uncovered, yet.

  4. I've never heard of him. But then again, I don't really follow artists, so that's not surprising. Too bad they painted over his work.

    1. Yeah, his work is fun. He's done pieces down in LA. -don't know if they're still up.

  5. Dear Bea, I've never heard of Eine. Looks like I need to do some research! Life just seems to take detours around me and I miss out on things! Peace.

    1. It's vibrant work. I really dig it. Research will yield some nifty pieces.

    2. Dear Bea, thanks for bringing this artist to my attention. I am always amazed at such creativity. Peace.


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