Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My cousin

I managed to write up a short piece about my cousin, Erik, for his 50th b-day bash being put together by his partner. The plan is to gather missives about Erik from friends and family, replete with photos, into a booklet format and present it to him. If I'm being honest, I really didn't want to write anything. I'm still dealing with the pain syndrome in my foot and that seems to suck up much of my focus. 

Here's the snippet: 

Even though I’m only one year younger, I have always looked up to Erik. He was the one all the adults seemed to like. He was funny, charming, articulate and just pleasant to be around. He could sing, act, dance, ride horseback…what couldn’t he do?!

I remember when he got the part in A Christmas Carol at the A.C.T. in San Francisco. It was a huge deal and we were all very proud of him. I went to see the production with my Dad and remember hearing Erik recite his lines from on stage. -very thrilling. He had such talent at such a young age.

The thing that has most impressed me about Erik was that he always seemed to be his unvarnished self: audacious, a bit flamboyant with tons of charisma. Occasionally, I meet 20-somethings today that remind of Erik when he was that age and I think: Erik did it first, sweetie.  

Erik is a terrific provider for his family and a great father. I’m just as proud of him today as I was then.

Pillow fight between my cousin and me, ca. 1977. I am clearly losing. 

My cousin and me, 2013


  1. Pain is indeed a focus consuming sucky beast.
    Love that tribute to your cousin. He sounds like an inspirational man, which is something we can never have have enough of.

    1. He's done so well for himself, considering some huge challenges early on: parental alcoholism, parental death, then his only sibling left the family to follow The Dead and never properly returned...

      In later years, he successfully dealt with addiction and has been clean and sober since about 1996.

      You're right. He's been an inspiration. I would imagine his mother would be very proud of him, indeed, were she alive today.

  2. Sorry about your pain. That does have a way of draining all of your energy.

    Your cousin is lucky to have you, too. It's nice you have such a close relationship.

  3. I'd say it's fortunate you two are family. In the first place, you look so much alike! Kidding aside, family is the biggest asset you'll ever have. Treasure yours.

    1. Not to sound greedy, but I wish he were a bit more available. Raising children & working a full-time job takes up much of his time, understandably.

  4. I enjoyed your tribute. Pretty darn good even with your foot pain. Hope the party goes well and your foot starts to feel better.

  5. Sorry you are still in pain.

    You and your cousin look very similar!

    1. Thanks, LL. There's a bit of similarity. He looks a lot like his mother, tbh. Cousin got that great cleft chin--a family trait; I did not. :)


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