Monday, July 22, 2019


My birthday was last Monday, July 15th. I was pleasantly surprised by a gift from my husband: a massive annual mug put out by Royal Copenhagen. We scooped up a couple of these mugs, the years '71 & '74, on our trip to Copenhagen in 2015. The art on these pieces from the '60s and '70s can't be beat. My husband's year mug, the '71er, is still commonly found at Danish second-hand shops and on sites like E-Bay, but my year mug is an elusive creature. I can tell you that I was very happy to find one addressed to me in the mail last week.

Annual mug holding some very weak tea! 

We also took a trip out to Baker Beach the day before (Bastille Day), so I could stick my toes in the sand. The weather was to be as expected: slightly overcast, cool and windy. I should have worn another layer, but wasn't thinking. We sat on fold-up chairs, feet in sand & I hugged my handbag a bit for warmth. From our perch we had a decent view of the bridge as well.


  1. Happy belated birthday (we share a birthday, you and I, but not the same year). I've not seen those mugs before - very nice! -Jenn

  2. A very good year indeed! Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday for last week, Bea! What a nice surprise to receive your much sought for mug at last!

  4. Happy belated birthday. Your gift and your outing both look and sound blissful.

  5. Belated happy birthday wishes! Glad you got your cup.

  6. Love the mug. Belated Happy Birthday.

  7. Replies
    1. SF is made up of 'micro-climates', but, yes, it's often chilly here at the Pacific Ocean. Our counted on warm weather comes first in autumn.

  8. Great design -- cold in July? We're burning. And happy days.

    1. Yes, it's often chilly here along the coast during the summer months. 'Turtleneck weather' was how I would refer to it when I was younger. :D

  9. Damn I missed your Birthday. Glad you had a good time. Love the mug!

  10. Happy belated Birthday! I love the beach, the photo is so pretty☺

  11. Happy belated birthday. And congrats on the excellent gift from the hubby. It's a pretty sweet mug.


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