Sunday, July 28, 2019

Swedish Family Picnic

Yesterday, I attended our annual Swedish Family Picnic. I hadn't been in nearly twenty years. The old guard is older, the mid-range folks rangier and there were a lot of young'uns whom I'd never met before in attendance. Overall, it was a relaxing afternoon amid the redwoods. 

Swedish Family Picnic, 2019

Cousin Bill made it down to the picnic, too. He's slated to move to Reno next weekend, so it was nice to be able to wish him well. 

Horseshoes game with Bill and my husband

My Dad revived the annual tradition, after a handful of quiet years, back in the 1980s. After Dad died in 2002, the picnic organizing duties were handed off to a cousin called Carol. Since Carol's taken over, the duties seem to move from family member to family member. In order to secure the same spot every year--the picnic began back in the 1930s--one has to show up just as the park opens to nab the cluster of tables right by a massive, fallen redwood. This old redwood has seen all of our footprints on it over the past many years. 

Cousin Carol brought along my Dad's carefully curated Swedish Family Picnic photo album that she had inherited. Dad had arranged all the photos around funny captions he'd written. He had been able to nab pictures of picnics past dating back from the 50s. It was a treat to view the album. 

I'm very glad I attended the picnic although it was the most standing I've done since the foot injury & resultant nerve issues last September. There was discomfort, but I pushed through it as best I could. -glad I did. 

I will leave you with a photo of a photo (forgive the glare) from the Family Picnic photo album: Great-grandpa Axel (one of the reasons this picnic all began), my grandmother, two of her siblings (and one spouse) & cousin Doreen. 

Swedish Family Picnic, ca. late 1960s


  1. I am really glad that you could go - and hope the resultant discomfort settled quickly and that you are not still paying for it.
    It was great that you could wish Bill well on his next adventure. Do you think he will return for future picnics?

    1. I paid for it a bit yesterday evening, let me tell you! (I really should have sat down more, but was keen to connect with everyone there.) Today has been all right, foot-wise & symptom-flare-up-wise. :)

    2. I do think Bill will attend next year, yes!

  2. Interesting tradition, and great to keep everyone in touch. Was Axel from Sweden?

    1. Yes, Axel and his bride, Anna, whom he met here in SF, hailed from Sweden.

  3. A great tradition! Glad you were able to go and that you enjoyed it!

    1. Thanks, Debra. Yes, I am glad to have found my way back to the family picnic!

  4. It's worth doing...we have a Rixon get together once a year now...not always the same 30-40 people..but good to have lunch together and just talk

  5. Does the planning pass from relative to relative yearly, or is it someone's responsibility until they pass away?

    1. I think these days the responsibility passes from person to person yearly.

  6. Lovely tradition and glad you were able to attend.

  7. What a get together! I'm guessing the preponderance of blue is to reference the flag? It's such an interesting snapshot of the changing face of one family and I'm particularly drawn to the idea that it's been going since the 30s. The old photo is terrific!

    My teeny (and dare I say) insular family has only once gone to a family reunion, when I was a teenager and I knew none save my grandparents. It was a gathering of the Lindberg branch - Swedes, hey?

    1. The old photo is a hoot! There were a few more, but it was quite challenging to get a shot of a shot sans horrid glare.

      I was struck by all the blue clothing as well. -pure coincidence.

      Lindberg is a fun surname, but it does make me think of the Lindberg(h) baby, I have to say.

  8. Glad you were able to make it, Bea. Also glad to hear that it has continued through the years.

    1. Me, too! Glad it's still chugging along.


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