Saturday, September 28, 2019

Gratis grub and funky architecture.

We didn't mean to have our meal comped. I had spotted a wee cockroach crawling around the far end of table. At first, I was going to ponk the thing off onto the floor. My friend, however, took her napkin and smashed the roach into it. She then flagged down the server to say we'd found a bug on the table. The server full of concern, took the napkin and walked away. I thought that would be that and we kept eating. Then a man who, in truth, looked more like a janitor than a manager, came over to apologize profusely and tell us that our meal was 'on the restaurant'. I felt a bit embarrassed by the whole thing as this had not been our goal. The bill came, but in lieu of a bill we found a handwritten note from the server that was both funny and (again) apologetic. We left a hefty gratuity and beat feet. En route to the car, we joked that the next time we eat out one of us should bring along a cockroach in a plastic bag should we not feel like paying for our food. 

I took the above shot because I liked the line-up of men on the wall. But, really, the more interesting bit of the picture is the structure in the background. I haven't been in the building since the '80s. -shame one can't go in now. 

1959 - Built for the American Trust Company, this pavilion at the Crown Zellarbach Plaza Building (523 Market) became a Wells Fargo Bank just 4 months after completion. The bank vault was located in a basement so the circular bank could be completely surrounded by a wall of glass. The circular building has a precast folded concrete "zigzag" roof that is clad in copper. In the 1980s, the pavilion became a store for "The Sharper Image" and today it is occupied by E-Trade. This 2-building complex is known as "One Bush Plaza" today. Source: Wells Fargo Archives


  1. That second dude on is giving you the eye. I wonder what he knows!

    1. He was probably thinking: Why is that broad trying to take my photo?

  2. Dear Bea, I'm so glad you notice architecture and interesting features of it. I have that same interest and I'm always captured by any posting that introduces me to new buildings! Peace.

    1. The architecture around here always does captivate. :)

  3. I can see why a GLASS BUILDING is not the best idea for a BANK.

  4. The final image refused to load for me.
    Sadly I think that people DO take cockroaches and their ilk along to try and bilk restaurants. I am glad that your innocent selves got a freebie. And agree with Joanne about dude the second.

    1. Bummer that the second image would not load. The interior shot of the structure shows a stunning scene.

  5. Pretty sure I wouldn't have continued to eat. I hate bugs, and cockroaches ewwwww, means things weren't very clean, right? The 2nd building is very cool, agree with Joanne's comment above, that dude was giving you the eye, lol.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Yeah, I hear you. Somehow, I very small cockroach isn't as unsettling as a full-size one. :)

  6. The bug in the food was a plot point in Victor/Victoria, but it didn't work out so well for them. It was nice of the restaurant to comp your meal. They probably appreciated that you didn't freak out over it.

    1. Oh, man. I have not seen that movie in YEARS. You make me want to try and rent it!

      It was quite nice of them & wholly unexpected. Yeah, the only thing that made me feel funky was getting the darn meal comped in the first place.


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