Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Swim lessons

I've started taking swim lessons in order to learn how to do it properly. I think like many of us, as a kid, I learned just enough, so that I would not easily drown. I can tread water, swim under water, float on my back and do an OK version of the backstroke. What that means is that I am lacking form and don't know how to combine breath with performing strokes. I signed up for a class at my local pool in the hopes that I would get a handle on what is known as freestyle swimming. What I did not bargain on was instruction being served up with a slice of shame.

On the first day, the instructor, a lifeguard at the pool whom I know in passing and found nice enough, pointed out the repeat course-takers and then shared a bit about some of them. About a man wearing stars and stripes swim trunks he said, 'This guy's a Marine, but he's afraid of water!!' The Marine appeared entirely comfortable in the pool, so I don't know why the instructor needed to 'out him' like that. He then pointed to a woman out of earshot and mentioned that she's 'the friend of the Big Cheese around here, so we had better be nice to her.' Later, he singled out a woman with South Asian roots and said about her covering herself with an over shirt while in the water, 'She's not being modest, she's just cold.'

Say what now, brother?! I wondered what he'd say about me. I didn't have long to wait to find out. The next session he told the class that he had seen me swimming in the deep end (as if that in itself were some feat), but doing it 'bad'. Gee, thanks, mack.

The next swim class is coming up in a couple of days. We shall see what gems he produces then!


  1. Photos please... I might do a drawing of mine...

    1. I might be escorted from pool facilities were I to take out a camera and start shooting at random swimmers. ;)

  2. Sigh. Instructors like that provide good reason for people to drop out and fail to learn. I hope it works out for you and the rest of the class, but have reservations. Hiss and spit.

    1. Yes, his teaching methods are very last century. He also seems to really relish his role as 'leader'.

  3. My sister attends a maintenance group of water therapy attendees. It's great fun to ask her, "What did Fat Guy say today?" and so on through the attendees we have come to know of. I wouldn't like it so much the other way.

    1. Funny, but our instructor looks like he has swallowed a medicine ball. I suppose Fat Guy could be his new moniker were I ever to write about the class again.

  4. What a prat! It sounds like you're already better than me, but we still go every week and just swim up and down, up and down, and laugh in private about some of the other regulars: Mrs. Bow Wave, Mr. Half Length, and Mrs. Plastic Hair Net. We don't know what they call us.

    1. Haha. I'd probably be called Ms. Bad Tattoos.

  5. Wow. Is there someone you can complain to? He sounds awful. I think I'd get a refund and find another class, because he's not being helpful.

    1. I wonder if I could. I think that there is another beginner course after mine. I could ask (no one seems to know much at the front desk, but I will persevere) if it were possible to switch into that class if it isn't full.

  6. Alrighty then. It doesn't sound like the best way to get people motivated. Hope it gets better or you can find a different class with a more understanding teacher.

  7. Hi, I follow you on gfc #46, follow back? ;)



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