Sunday, October 13, 2019

'Bris-bane', California, not 'Bris-bun', Australia

I cut another driver off en route to the outdoor pool in Brisbane the other week. My excuse: It was my first trip to this particular pool center, and I wasn't familiar with the local roads. I had lawfully yielded at the top of a hill before turning onto the street that dead-ended at the pool. Another motorist was jamming along the pool road in my direction and I hadn't quite seen her (I blame the curve in the road somewhat obscuring my view) before turning nearly right in front of her car. I realized that I was going to be on the hook when it dawned on me that we were both now on the road that terminated at the pool facility. The other motorist parked two slots down from me. She was getting out of her car as I was getting out of mine. I put on my game face and got of my car full of apologies. I had told the woman: I'm sorry I cut you off. This is my first time at the pool and I was unfamiliar with the road leading up here. She said something like: Well, I'm glad you apologized. We smiled at each other and that was it. Since that incident I drive a slightly different route that puts me on the road that has no yields and takes one straight through to the pool area. While on that road yesterday, a car coming up the hill didn't yield properly and cut me off. Her action forced me to stomp on my brakes as I had made that other driver do last week. And now the circle is complete. 

Funky driving aside, I really, really like this pool. It's located in an area that is sheltered from the fog and cooler temperatures by a small chain of hills. If it's warm and sunny anywhere, then it's going to be in Brisbane. When I go there, I just feel as if I'm on some sort of extended summertime vacation. 

Below is a picture of the pool from the beginning of the month. I think it's nearly 25C/77F out and around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. On warmer days this place packs out at the weekends. There are often children's birthday parties going on as well. It's just a really festive vibe. It doesn't hurt that a flock of bright green, wild parrots are seen often flying overhead squawking as the go. The pool center also boasts two, semi-feral tabbies. They usually hang about the pool taking absolutely no notice of the swimmers. I know this first-hand as I often call out to them from the pool. I say, 'Here puss-puss!' and make kissing noises with my mouth. The cats not only never look my way, but they also don't blink, their ears don't twitch and their tails remain motionless. Unless you are one of the lifeguards who feeds them, then you do not exist. Maybe on my next visit I should bring along a tin of tuna in order to try and make some new, furry friends. 

Holiday at home: Brisbane outdoor pool


  1. That pool looks delightful and parrots and cats are additional bonuses.
    What goes around comes around was at play on the roads wasn't it? I am so glad that on both occasions there was braking but no contact.
    Himself's sister lives in Brisbn and will be coming to visit us this week.

    1. I would love to visit Brisbn (and Melbourne) someday. I hope you have a lovely visit with your SIL.

      The pool brings me such joy. I really am just so grateful to live near-ish to it.

  2. Looks like a nice pool. Glad there was no contact in the drive there. I have a niece and friends in Brisbn.

    1. It's such a nice pool. I'm so careful when I drive there now. :)

  3. Nothing like a refreshing dip on a hot day!

  4. I love outdoor pools - sometimes called a Lido here - but there aren't very many - too cold. Also, I think because cars now have sturdier roof supports they restrict your view at some angles. I nearly drove out in front of someone from a side road a few weeks ago. I'm trying to train myself to look once, look twice then look again to avoid accusations of "silly old sod shouldn't be allowed on the road".

    1. Lido! That's right. I had mostly forgotten about that word. I spoke with a woman at the pool the other day who swims all year 'round. In winter she sports a suit made of neoprene, the material that wet suits are made of, and that makes the cooler temps manageable.

      I need to get in the habit of looking more than once myself if for no other reason than to avoid embarrassing conversations at the pool facility.

    2. No, swimming in neoprene is a stroke too far.

  5. I like the greenery around that pool.

    1. Me too. It's another feature, if you will, that makes this pool very inviting.

  6. I'm sure all out outdoor pools are closed. It's just too cold mow.

    1. I can imagine that they must be in your neck of the woods.

  7. It sounds like that road is a menace. But it looks like a nice pool.

    1. Yeah, it's kind of a weird t-intersection. Super nice pool. I bet you guys down south have some righteous outdoor pools.


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