Saturday, October 19, 2019

More tacky shit from The Donald

Harry Dunn, a 19-year-old Briton, was struck and killed by an American diplomat's wife. She had been driving on the wrong side of the road. She admitted culpability, yet was ferried away back to the USA before justice could be served. It would seem that she benefited from diplomatic immunity. Charlotte Charles and Tim Dunn, the parents of Harry, have called for the woman to return to the UK. Seven weeks on, nothing much has happened save for a small debacle at the White House. 

During their US press visit, Charlotte and Tim received a surprise invite to the White House. From what I have read, they weren't clear on who they would be meeting there. Somewhat surprisingly, Charlotte and Tim met with Trump. Unbeknownst to them, the woman who killed their son, Anne Sacoolas, was also at the White House. During the visit, Trump repeatedly pressed Tim and Charlotte into meeting Anne. They refused. Without preparation, mediators, and various other supports, how fruitful would an off-the-cuff meeting between them have been? Who would it have benefited? With press waiting outside, it is clear that the photo op. between Harry's parents and Sacoolas was meant to be some cheap, reality TV type coup for Trump. I'm glad that Charlotte and Tim held fast stating that they would gladly meet Sacoolas, but only on UK soil. 

I don't think that diplomatic immunity should be extended to protect someone from being brought before court for such a gross wrong-doing, accident or no. I'm curious to see how the process will unfold and I do hope that Sacoolas will return to the UK to face justice. 


  1. I saw that story and thought as you do. Sadly I will be very surprised if she does face justice in the UK. I hope she can live with her conscience. Well no, if I am being truthful, I hope it gives her a LOT of grief.

    1. The resolve Charlotte Charles possesses is immense. I think you're probably correct and Sacoolas won't, as Charlotte has repeatedly stated, 'do the right thing'.

  2. I hadn't heard about that White House debacle. How terrible.

  3. "More tacky shit from The Donald"

    Your words are much too kind!

  4. OMG, she screwed up and is hiding behind diplomatic immunity!?! I get having it around for minor faux pas, but she needs to go back and face the consequences. I'm not surprised the orange menace thought that that would be a good photo op. His tone deafness knows no bounds.

    1. Currently, she does seem to be hiding behind diplomatic immunity. The family of the deceased, of course, is asking that she 'do the right thing' and return to the UK.

  5. If the USA wants to extradite someone from the UK for questioning about such an incident, our Home Office just hand them over. When we ask the USA the for same thing, they just tell us - diplomatically sometimes - to eff off. Things will get worse for us after Halloween. I am not looking forward to us making any more deals with Trump.

    1. I keep reading that there may be another extension in the works. The 31st is just around the corner. We shall see what the end of the month brings.

    2. It could go on forever, or at least until everyone in Britain is bankrupt.

  6. Replies
    1. It's just more grist for the mill, isn't it?

  7. How terrible. She should return and take the consequences.

  8. Yeah, this story has been big news here in the UK. The most recent thing I read was that Sacoolas will never return to the UK. But I also read she no longer has diplomatic immunity. The vibe I got from Trump was "we've all made a mistake and driven on the wrong side of the road, what a shame" and that's it.

    1. Wow. Absolutely unacceptable.

    2. I have driven on the wrong side of the road a few times in the States, thank God no one was hurt, but if they had been at least I would have faced up to the consequences of my poor driving.

  9. They have put up signs around American airbases and other places now saying DRIVE ON THE LEFT. Trump actually said, "It happens. We have all done it".

    1. What a preposterous thing for him to have said.


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