Sunday, January 26, 2020

Cat's game!

M., the child I tutor, is becoming ever more settled into our 50-minute weekly sessions. When he first started coming to the tutoring center, M. was antsy and had a difficult time sitting still in his chair. Now, he's less distracted and more able to focus on the task at hand. Occasionally, however, he'll become resistant to completing work which seems a normal response for a 9-year-old boy. In order to get M. to stay on target, I usually promise him that we'll play a couple of games of tic-tac-toe as a reward. The first time we played, I lost and M. was over-the-moon. The next game ended in an expected draw and I yelled out, 'Cat's game!' and drew a large 'c' over the board. M. asked me why I had done that and I said that I didn't know and it was just something we did when I was a kid. All subsequent tic-tac-toe games have ended in a tie (small wonder) and M. yells out, smiling, 'Cat's game!' and draws what looks like a large 'o' over then board. As fun as belting out a robust 'Cat's game!' is, we've since moved on to playing Hangman as it's a bit more challenging. 

I've looked online for an answer to why one says 'Cat's game' at a tied tic-tac-toe board. I'm not convinced by anything I've read other than this: A cat playing with its tail is as if it were a mouse, will never be able to win, yet it enjoys the activity all the same.

To be honest, I would tire of playing with my tail if I had one. 


  1. I have never heard of calling Cat's game at a tied game of what we call noughts and crosses. One of our cats used to occasionally chase her tail. When she caught it she would give it a vicious bite. And yes, she did tire of that game quickly.
    Glad your student is mostly settling better.

    1. I rather like the name 'noughts and crosses'. It certainly makes more sense than our name for the game.

      Your poor cat's tail (and cat)!

  2. The "cat's game" custom re a tied game is new to me. But I like it!

  3. I haven't even heard of tic-tac-toe, let alone cat's game!

    1. If you ask anyone to play a game of tic-tac-toe in AZ, they will know what you mean, but might not want to play!

  4. Sounds like an alchemist's symbol to me - the serpent eating its own tail.

  5. Yes - noughts and crosses. It sounds like M is really responding well. You've made a friend there.

    1. Yes, M. is really getting in to the groove. I'm very glad to see his progress.

  6. My grandmother said that. So long ago. Clever of you to move on to a more 'sophisticated' game.

    1. Did your grandmother ever explain why? So curious...

  7. We called a tie a cat's game, too, but I have no idea the origin. The way to win at tic-tac-toe is to not start in the center.

    1. Funny name, isn't it? I like how M. just went with it. :)


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...