Friday, January 17, 2020

Women's March prep., 2020.

I attended a sign-making event for the upcoming Women's March last night at the local offices of a group called Naral, a national organization dedicated to keeping abortion safe and legal in the USA. 

There were about ten to fifteen women and one man set about the floor with poster boards and markers trying to think up slogans to pen. Many of us turned to Google for help. I didn't, but after I tell you what I came up with, you might wonder why I hadn't. 

My slogan is: WOMEN ARE PEOPLE, TOO! 

I know that that sounds trite, but I feel like we aren't treated as if we are. Bodily autonomy is key. If control over our reproductive choices is wrested away, then that will not bode well. 

The 'bad-ass' placard above was written by a French woman here on holiday who is also attending the march.
'I'm with her' infinity

We sign-makers are slated to meet at a predetermined spot at the start of the march. I haven't actually successfully walked more than about ten blocks in one day (and not even in one fell swoop), since incurring a foot injury in autumn of 2018. Saturday's march will be a test to see how far I can go. I'm half-way considering schlepping a folding chair with me in case I need a self-imposed time-out! 


  1. Take the chair. DEFINITELY take the chair. And enjoy the March.
    Your sign is so right. Women are indeed people too, and for too long we have been treated as chattels. And despite protestations to the contrary, we still are. The people who make laws/regulations about our bodies are almost exclusively those who will be only indirectly affected by the legislation they propose.

    1. Thank you for your succinct comment on the matter, E.C. You could not be more correct.

  2. Great sign! Enjoy the march, if that's possible with your foot!

  3. Thank you for reminding us of this march. We all can't march but we can all play a part. Each voice is important and we can add it to conversations we have. The message must be kept alive every day.
    I am sure you will be invigorated as you march with others .... no matter how far you walk...or sit. :)

  4. I like your sign! Women ARE people too!

  5. Good luck at the march and I hope the foot cooperates.

  6. Dear Bea, I'm so glad you're marching--however long you can last with your injured foot. I was an active protester of the VietNam war back in the late '60s and early '70. I miss protesting because it felt as if I were being a catalyst for change. Now you are being that! Congratulations! Go for it! Peace.

    1. Hi, Dee!

      Yes, it's good to get out and be among those of like mind as well.


  7. Please shlep some seating arrangement. There are lovely little fishing stools, for instance, with three legs, that double as a cane. I'm speaking from even more experience than you. If I were in SF, I probably wouldn't leave the starting line. Just wind up being an old lady on a stool with a sign and a mouth.

    1. I have seen those stool-canes! I would be keen on purchasing one. I will bring a sort of beach/camping chair that folds up nicely and comes with a case that I can sling over my shoulder.

  8. have a wonderful march. I will be singing and cheering you on. :)

    1. Your facility with language brings me great joy. Thank you. x

  9. Definitely take a chair. The march is important, but not at the expense of your health and comfort.


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...