Thursday, March 5, 2020

I'm a winner. ;)

I nearly finished the crossword today, a Wednesday gem--couldn't answer three--and still felt like a friggin' champ. Simple pleasures. Then, I went to the Brisbane lido for lap swim. Afterwards, I had a quick chat with the 22-year-old lifeguard on duty about swimmer's physique and how she was never keen to obtain one as she doesn't like the look of a triangular upper-body. I said I wouldn't mind at least building a bit more upper-body strength, but that as a fifty-year-old* woman I feel pretty good about how I look save for the nearly inevitable cellulite cluster on the back of the legs. Her response: YOU'RE FIFTY?!? I was both chuffed and embarrassed at the outburst. I wondered if the only people she knew in my age range seemed very much older than I do and that's what caused her reaction. I mean, I don't really care. I felt complimented. 

Stanford Women's Swim Team looking very fit.

Speaking of the Brisbane pool, it had been closed for two weeks for maintenance and just re-opened this week. We came back to renovated shower stalls and a new stain on the old, wooden benches in the ladies' change room. I saw one of the pool cats today looking, I thought, a little thinner than usual and asked who had fed the kitties during the pool closure. I was told that some staff were onsite during the maintenance period, so the kitties had had enough kibble. That's good as I couldn't really see them slinking down to the post office trying to mooch for grub.

*I'm actually forty-nine and three quarters. Close enough!


  1. It's always good to feel like a young babe!

  2. A definite boost. And yay for very almost finishing the crossword (which I am ashamed to say I don't attempt).

    1. The crossword was more like a Thursday, in terms of difficulty, so a big 'yay' is in order even. :)

  3. Surely, the pool cats looked thinner because they hadn't been able to take their regular swim, so had lost some of their upper body strength.

  4. And an even better compliment when these lifeguards see us looking our absolute worst! Hahaha!!

  5. I'm always happy when kiddos guess my age as younger than I am. Alas, they just as often guess older...

  6. I'd give a bunch to be as tall as the shortest Stanford there.
    You're fifty! Nah!

    1. You know the Stanford mascot is a towering Redwood. How apropos!

      Fifty years young. Yep. ;)

  7. It is nice when folks don't believe how old you are. I am almost at the 50 marker myself. About 49 more days or so. But my math is about as reliable as my Belushi references.

  8. Yay for looking young. Long may it last!


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...