Friday, April 17, 2020

Low tide at Linda Mar and shell box

Crab rumble
Because staying cooped up in the house is making me feel a bit nuts, I have begun to venture out to the beach for very socially distant walks.

Low tide has been not only a feast for the eyes, but also the hands. I like touching most things I encounter. I did not, however, attempt to fasten on to either of the wee crabs seen above. Of course, they ambled off as soon as my shadow appeared overhead, so there was barely any time to even snap this hasty shot!

The shell-adorned box you see below was given to me in the 1970s by my mother's dear friend, Mimi. I'm amazed that with all the moving I've done over the past 20 years, I haven't managed to knock off all of its shells. Either I've been very careful or the box is sturdier than it looks. (It's probably the latter.) The wee box hasn't made it this long entirely scrape-free. I noticed a few years back that there were two blank spots along the surface where shells used to be. With all the beach-combing I've done recently, I've managed to amass a small collection of shells. Yesterday, I realized that with a bit of glue and a steady hand I could 'fix' the box. As you can see, it looks as if nothing had been amiss (or so I hope). 

I will leave you with a shot of a neon green anemone I spied yesterday while futzing around in the tide pools----

He'd make a groovy lava lamp.


  1. Well done on the box repair - and you are so right about the lava lamp.
    I am endlessly fascinated by marine life. The colours and shapes are incredible. One of the very last frontiers left to explore...

    1. So incredible! I hadn't known anemones could be sooo vibrant. I mean, we've green ones (and some that have tendrils tinged with purple or white-ish/creme), but I had not seen a NEON one before. What do you suppose his diet could be? ;)

      The tide pools have really been a boon to me.

  2. Glad you've been able to get out (and to the beach! we're forbidden the beach here).

    1. Ah, man. That kinda sucks for you all. I mean, I get it, but at the bigger beaches (mine included) one can really stay well socially distant from other.

  3. Being a largely landlocked prairie girl, the sea and its creatures are a mystery to me! Always so exotic, bizarre and fascinating!

    1. I'll bet. Even I find them trippy and I live right near them. :)

  4. Love the green anemone and the shell box. Delightful.

  5. That anemone is beautiful in one way, the box in another. Don't know which I admire more. Do you know what is that large purple and white shell with the beak and eyeball?

    1. Yes, I do. It's one half of a mussel shell with a barnacle attached to its surface.

  6. Keep up the socially distant walks. We are doing the same thing. The kids would be ecstatic if it was on a beach but it will have to be mountain lakes for now.

    1. I shall. Walking along a mountain lake path would be very nice as well.

  7. I love beach combing. It is so meditative. Shame about the plastic though.

    1. Yes, it is very meditative. Grateful for it.

  8. It's important for mental health to get out each day. I'd love to be able to take a beach walk. At least we have some quiet countryside round here, and we've dusted off the old bicycles and been out for a few spins. Last time out I even got over half way up the nearby hill without getting off to push.

    1. Agreed. Tooling around on bicycles in the countryside sounds lovely as well.

    2. Tooling? Well, my chain came off yesterday.

  9. We don't live near a beach but we have 13 acres of land, so I've just been out on the land keeping busy. I'm just grateful we've had good weather here but that's often not the case!

    Love the neon green anemone. Very on point at the moment!


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