Saturday, April 4, 2020

Virus news and photos

According to California Gov. Newsom's radio broadcast this morning, our state has an estimated 10k plus residents who have tested positive for Covid 19. We're ordered to further settle-in-place until May 1. I would think the order will be extended come that date. 

The prez was quoted as having recently said:  "We have a stockpile [of PPE]. It's a federal stockpile. We can use that for states or we can use it for ourselves."

That's not how the federal stockpile works, Jack. The feds aren't meant to hoard such goods for themselves and their family members if they *feel* like it. Those goods are for all of us Americans.


Yesterday, I made a trip out to the west end of Golden Gate Park. Keeping my distance, I could see that Queen Wilhelmina's windmill and tulip garden were somewhat visited. Normally, one would see at least double the visitors.

Directly across the street, the beach parking lot, however, was blocked off and being monitored! People, of course, just parked by the windmill and walked over to the beach.

Lot 'guard' at Ocean Beach 


  1. Your Prez is a complete and utter oxygen thief. As is much of his family.
    On a different note, your outing was a breath of fresh air. Many, many thanks.
    Stay well, stay safe.

    1. Indeed. May we vote him out come autumn. I am glad that you liked the snaps. x

  2. We have been told to stay away from beaches as well.

    1. We've been told not to congregate anywhere, beaches included, but one sees solos and families in both parks and beaches here.

    2. Same here, except for London where they are holding 3000 strong parties in parks.

  3. Is that named for Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands?

    1. Why, yes, it is! I thought I had heard that the windmill was a gift from her to SF, but I cannot substantiate said claim.

    2. I wonder what the connection is to San Francisco? If I get the time, haha, I might investigate. She was rather an interesting looking Queen.

  4. That's a lovely looking public garden.

    1. It's a charming part of the park, for sure. When I was a kid, both (there are two at the west end of GGP) windmills were derelict. To have them be beautified, along with the surrounding grounds, is wonderful.

  5. Looks like it was a lovely walk out. They're actively discouraging beach going here, saying the beaches are actually closed. They started with the parking lots, and then had to do more after.

    1. It was a short, but lovely walk around the area. I wonder when/if folk will start being fined at some point. There were people on the beach (socially distant, mind).

  6. Any national park parking lot I pass is jammed with cars. Of course, they have hundreds of acres to spread out into.

    1. Yeah, for sure. If there is a way into the lot, then motorists will park. I think without the metermaid presence, the lot would be being used.

  7. Queen Wilhelmina's windmill and tulip garden looks quite lovely. I might have to put that on list of places to visit when I am allowed once again to visit places.

    1. Absolutely worth a visit! If one is ever able to travel again.

  8. Nice outing, glad you were able to enjoy it. Agree I think if the orange one doesn't try to undo the good some of our Governors are doing, it will be a while yet. Stay safe.
    Sandy's Space


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