Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October updates

My somewhat newly found aunt died last month. Her memorial is this upcoming weekend and my mom and I will be in attendance. Aunt Meg's health had really taken a knock during the pandemic and it just didn't seem that she could come back from the challenges faced. She entered hospice care at the beginning of September and was gone two weeks later. The fact that we found her at all was a tremendous gift. Thanks, 23 and Me! I'm grateful for the time spent with her since our first meeting back in 2019, but I surely would have wished to have had more time together.

I've not been working this past week as my brother, unfortunately, finally contracted Covid. He's still in the thick of it, so work will continue to be on hold this week as well. My first bout with the virus was last month and it sucked hard. Listening to my bro share what his experience has been--lack of taste/smell, chills and muscle aches, chest congestion and MAJOR headaches--I can say I feel his pain. 

Yesterday, I volunteered to pass out candy at The Great Hauntway, a now annual Halloween event started by two local Dads during the pandemic. Costumed kids and their parents were able to traverse about a mile's worth of roadway along the Pacific Ocean while trick or treating. The weather was more than cooperative, in fact it was somewhat unseasonably warm! I was glad to have brought both some sunblock and a large bottle of water with me. And I wound up stashing my cold weather clothes in a bag under the treat table for the duration. There were some really clever costumes on the Hauntway among the usual suspects. Someone came dressed as a massive grater with a cute piece of cheese on the side (parent and child, I suspect). And I saw two adults dressed as these beloved Sesame Street creatures from another world--

Yip, yip, yip!

Their costumes looked so spot on and I couldn't help but laugh really hard while pointing and giving a big ole thumb's up. The aliens, in turn, gifted me with a rousing chorus of 'yip, yip, yip, yip!' It brought me straight back to childhood and was probably the highlight of my day, to be honest. 


  1. Sorry to hear about your aunt's untimely passing. At least you found each other and had four years worth of memory-making.

    I loved those Yip things too when I was a teenager!

    1. Yip, yip, yip, yip! Oh, man, those martians were great!

  2. I am so glad that you found your aunt before you lost her. If that makes sense.
    I hope your brother recovers quickly and completely. It is Halloween here tonight and we are wondering whether anyone will knock at the door. We suspect not.

    1. Me, too. It makes total sense.
      I hope he does as well. The coughing has been particularly rough for him.
      No knocks on our door as well. The trick-or-treaters have all gone to day time events (like the Hauntway) and that's OK. :)

  3. There are some very clever and amusing costumes and house decorations around, but I wish they would pay more attention to the environmental impact. Those spray on spider webs especially.

    1. Yes, we see a lot of the web spray on hedges and the like here. -nasty stuff.

  4. Glad that you found your aunt and had time together.
    We managed to find a cousin and her family..so glad we exchanged emails and photos but sad we didn't physically meet

    1. It's wild, isn't it! Having that familial connection with someone found is a gift.

  5. That sounds like a fun event. Sorry your brother has Covid. It does suck. I hope he feels better soon. And sorry for your aunt's passing. That must have been rough.

    1. It was a really warm day as well. Sweaty, costumed adults and kids were everywhere! :D

  6. The Yip, Yip fellows passed me by completely.
    Sorry the both of you had/have Covid. It's ugly.

  7. Sorry for your loss, but glad you were able to find your aunt and spend time. I've done lots of genealogy, but haven't done any of the DNA stuff. Cute costumes. Sorry to hear about both you and your brother and Covid. It's really not fun, and now that the weather is getting colder more folks will be gathering indoors, which no doubt will create more problems. I got the latest shot about a month ago, so fingers crossed.
    Sandy's Space

    1. I, too, just got the latest shot (and flu) about a week ago. I would not relish having Covid again. And, thank you, for the condolences. x

  8. My condolences to you for the loss of your aunt. I haven't thought about the yips in a very long time and that would be such an awesome costume. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Mr. Shife.
      Dude! The yip martian costumes were sooo awesome. They really made my day.


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...