Monday, November 13, 2023

November 13, 2023

A digital sign was placed along highway 280 about 30 miles south of San Francisco stating: SF event Nov. 14-17, take transit. Honey, if we had something good, then I would! The sign has been standing along the roadway for about the last week; I see it every time I come home from work. Not knowing what the event in question could be, I looked it up. APEC, the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation, is holding its summit in town starting tomorrow. World leaders, dignitaries and delegates from 21 countries will converge on our fair city over the next few days. From what I understand, the area in which the APEC summit takes place--south of Market St.--will be blocked off to through traffic for the duration. Motorists (delivery vehicles, taxis and the like) wishing to travel through will need special permission. Fortunately, I neither live in nor need to travel around that area, so I'll be missing all the hoo-ha. 


Last Saturday's memorial for newly-found-Aunt Meg was very pleasant. It was held at Meg's daughter's house which also happens to be the house in which she grew up, so that made the day especially poignant. Meg and her husband were married in the house in front of the fireplace fifty years ago. There were photos of Meg through the years hung on the wall in the dining area. It was so nice to see her in various phases of life: student, newlywed, parent, grandparent, etc. I met a few of her chums from the local pool where she'd spent a good deal of time prior to the pandemic. They were lovely. There were a few dear family friends in attendance as well. Interestingly, there were no members of her adoptive family present. It was just us newly discovered folks--my mother, me, another niece, and a nephew. 


The cats got out today. I hadn't properly closed the front door after coming home from a litter pickup volunteer gig in the Mission District. After about ten minutes of being home, I noticed that the cats seemed awfully quiet, so I went looking for them and found the front door WIDE open. Those little scallywags are always so desperate for time outside, that they carpe diemed their way to freedom. Fortunately, freedom for those two meant skulking around the neighbor's yard looking for voles to hunt and what-not. As soon as they saw us coming for them, Marcel, the littler one, went scurrying to our front door and Bart, the beefy one, jumped a fence or two and met us at the house where we promptly ushered him inside. 

Post foray into the world...


  1. The memorial sounds lovely. I am so glad.
    The cats look totally tuckered out after their foray outside. Ours have never been out (and I hope they don't get the opportunity).
    The event sounds like a good one to miss.

    1. It was nice. Thanks, E.C. I'm so glad, too. Bad kitties! :D

  2. Oh those naughty cats! At least they returned easily and without fuss.

  3. Glad to hear the cats came back when you returned. I could see that story going a whole 'nother direction. It's always nice when the big thing that's going to snarl traffic is going on in the part of town you don't have to be in.

    1. Yeah....a whole 'nother way! -glad they aren't too adventurous. :) I was reading that the APEC summit may actually be a terrible hindrance to those businesses directly in the vicinity of the conference center. Sad irony.

  4. Glad all went well at Aunt Meg's funeral and thank the fat bassets that you have well-behaved pets. Lucy would be on her way to Vegas to try out some of those all-you-can-eat buffets. She needs to go to training so bad.

    1. Haha. I'd watch that movie of Lucy on the lamb heading out to V-town!

  5. Glad the memorial went well and you got to visit with folks. Lucky you don't have to contend with the traffic mess, I bet it was bad for some folks. Our cats used to be good at opening the screen door in warm weather. We pass by the sliding door and see the screen ajar and know they had zipped out. But, luckily they always came back and responded to our calling their names as well.
    Sandy's Space

    1. I think the APEC summit was particularly bad for businesses in the area of the conference center. Roads were blocked off and potential customers could not access certain shops.
      Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...