Monday, July 22, 2024


I'm talking about me, unfortunately. Within a span of about a week, I've lost my rag on people. Were the outbursts justified? You be the judge. 

At a rather well-visited produce market on Friday, a man assumed I had cut in front of him in order to get to the til two minutes faster than him. There were three shoppers in front of me and he was sort of in the middle of the aisle shopping, but not at the end of the line, so I stood behind those few folks. At some point, I sort of heard a disembodied voice say something like, 'Excuse me, ma'am..?' and didn't think much about it as I did not think it was directed at me. Then I felt someone push a shopping cart/trolley into my hand cart/basket repeatedly. I realised then it was the man I'd noticed shopping. He had been speaking to me and now he was aggressively pushing his cart into my person. I felt panicked, didn't know how to respond, so, in the great tradition of supreme avoidance, kept facing front and silently waited those few minutes until a was at the til. The line I was standing in branched off; one had two checkstands to choose from. I chose the one on the left. The aggro dude followed behind me in order to give me shit for the perceived slight. 

You know you saw me. 
Dude, whatever. 
The world doesn't revolve around you. 
And it doesn't revolve around you shopping in an aisle. 

He would not drop it, so I invited him to meet me in the parking lot for a fist-fight after we finished paying for our groceries. Just before I left the store, I stuck my backside out and asked him if he wanted to ram me with his shopping cart a few more times for good measure before I left. Dude responded by calling me 'old' as in wasn't I too old to be behaving the way I was. Ah, the retort of the simple! Readers, it wasn't pretty. My 6'3" husband wondered if the man's response to feeling put out would have been the same if he had been with me, or, indeed, had been shopping in my stead that day. 


This morning, I watched as some clueless dog owner let her dog use our front garden as a toilet. I rapped on the front window and got her attention. She looked at me as I gestured to her to not let her dog do what it was doing. She ignored me, and when the dog was done, she walked on. I then went outside, saw the excrement and saw red. I yelled after her to, again, not allow her dog to defecate and urinate on the plants. She looked back at me, said nothing, and kept walking. I used a few choice words before going back inside, but not before picking up the 'doggie dropping' and disposing it in the bin. Had I known where she lived, I would have taken the poo to her porch and left it. Am I nuts? Maybe? 


  1. I think you showed admirable restraint in both cases, quite frankly.

    1. The 'aren't you a little old for this?' comment by the zygote wearing a mustache at the market was a cheap shot. The checker was just open-mouthed staring at the spectacle of us.

  2. Sigh. One of our neighbours used to let her dog out in the morning to piddle and crap on other peoples lawns. I got tired of it and started bagging it up and putting it in her letterbox. Childish I know but...
    I am quite convinced the dude with the shopping trolley would have let your husband be.

    1. Hahaaa! Well done, E.C.! I imagine that the problem resolved itself after that.
      Yeah, it's a weird move to push repeatedly into someone... supermarket equivalent of 'road rage', eh?

  3. The shopping trolley the person with no sense of personal space....AAAAARGH!!!!
    Likewise dogs on my lawn.....on a lead!! I have a fence and gates waiting to go in.....

    1. It's nuts. You gotta do what you gotta do!
      Gate and fence will keep your garden from being a doggie loo. :)

  4. People gonna people. If an ignore or a cold stare doesn't get them, then there's no helping them. You did what you had to do.

    1. It's true. There was a large 'deposit' left on the sidewalk down the street the other day. I pushed it out of the middle of the walk path just in case someone didn't see it & took a false step. :/

  5. What a rude bastid. Actually, both of them. It probably would not have happened to your husband. Permission to lose your temper.

    1. Quite rude! The hubs knocked on the glass once to stop another neighbor from letting Fido use our plants as a toilet & she looked appropriately sorry (according to him).

  6. I feel your pain. Sadly when people are that rude and clueless it doesn't much matter what you say or do.......they just don't get it and feel they're entitled. I probably would have given the cart pusher the same treatment; by pushing his cart back into him. And you're right if your hubby had been there, it probably wouldn't have happened. The dog thing really irks me. I think the next time that happens I would open the door and yell at the dog...generally that stops them. Good luck.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Yelling doesn't always feel great, but it might strike a chord. -don't eff with the lady who yells when dogs use her garden as a toilet! Ha.

  7. I think the dog owner might have been Mr Shopping Trolley's wife.

  8. I would of had the same reaction about someone pooping in my yard. Just re-read that. It might need some clarification. Someone's dog. It does feel people are more rude these days and lots of entitlement out there. Take care, Bea.

    1. I spoke with someone who said something like: It's not up to me to provide a toilet for people's dogs in my front yard. (Yes, what you said. -someone's dog and NOT someone!) :D

  9. I would've been pissed about the dog doo. What the heck, she just says nothing and walks away?

    1. Either she was stunned at having been caught out or she didn't speak English? I dunno. It was really weird. -gonna get a sign that reads: Dog Urine Kills Plants

  10. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds, and hope this week is better for you without obnoxious people and dogs.
    Sandy's Space

  11. Waving hi again as I make my blog rounds. Hope things are going well for you.
    Sandy's Space

  12. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds. Hope to see you back soon.
    Sandy's Space


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