In reality, Ms. Dolezal is about as white as I am. The difference between us other than age and geographical locale is that she has decided to hide who she is behind tanning creams and wigs in order to pass herself off as black. Some have chosen to label her behavior as 'mental illness' while others have called what she's done a version of 'blackface'. I think, above all, she's letting the world know that she places little value in being Caucasian. Indeed in the 'after' photos she looks very comfortable in her new-found black identity. If her 'selfies' are any indication, it would seem that she likes herself better as a black woman.
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The work Ms. Dolezal's done on behalf of the African-American community should stand although one now wonders her motivations behind such efforts. It has been reported that she's revitalized the Spokane chapter of the NAACP since taking the helm. From this point on, however, she can no longer work for social justice as a black woman because she is not one. As others have pointed out, she could have done the work just as effectively as a white woman, but, perhaps, she felt she would not have been accorded the respect and acceptance she sought were she to have remained white. I don't know. I'm curious to see whether or not the NAACP will continue to support her as they have since her cover was blown. I think that Ms. Dolezal should relinquish control over the Spokane chapter and not because she is white, but because she pretended to be black.
She's stepped down from the NAACP, has had her work bio from the EWU website removed and, from what I gather, will no longer be part of any Spokane city committees. In none of her (soft ball) TV interviews has she shown any remorse for her behavior. She has not uttered one apology since her parents 'outed' her for being white one week ago.