Friday, February 5, 2016

Bay Trail, Pt. 6

After hearing reports from another volunteer that some knucklehead with two terriers off-leash let his beasts chase & scare the crap out of a few of the bay cats on Wednesday, I expected to see no furry ones out on the trail today.  I was right, mostly.

There were no kitties to be found by any of the feeding stations.  I left wet food in all the cat cubbies along the trail and even swung back around to see if any furry ones had come by to nosh.  Nope, not on my watch.  I even scampered under the bridge--good thing I had my bike helmet on or I'd be sitting here writing with a huge bump on my noggin--only to see the back end of B.B. disappear into the rocks near the shore.  Checking back 20 minutes later, I saw that neither B.B. nor M. had come to nibble on the tinned lunch.  That's a bit unusual, to be honest.  I hope that the cats aren't all cowering somewhere remote for fear some dogs will use them as chew-toys.

A trio of felines, 2015.


  1. Gosh, my cats have a million trees around to scamper up. When the feral cats here get caught out in the open, they flatten out on the ground with their ears back, lying low.

    1. I bet that's where these guys are, when not right at the beach hunkered down under giant rocks. There's a fair amount of brush & grass right now for the little fellas to hide in.

  2. Few things irritate me as much as people letting their unruly dogs run amok with no leads. I've had to get between Bossman's dog and some idiot's vicious unleashed dogs multiple times and the dogs' owners usually get offended when I comment that perhaps in a public park frequented by people with dogs, perhaps they should PUT THEIR DOGS ON AN EFFING LEAD.

    1. You can't tell anyone these days about their possible transgressions without fear of getting yelled at or worse.


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