Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Trae Crowder

I'm happy to say that I found the genius that is Trae Crowder, the 'liberal redneck', over at Sparrow Tree Journal, a charming and thoughtful blog run by a woman called Jennifer.

Listening to Trae today has brought me out of the funk I've been in since hearing about the recent mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Fl. -dude is funny & no slouch.

Trae, a stand-up for the past 7 years, or so, seems dedicated to subverting the stereotype of 'redneck' & he's doing a brilliant job of it. In Tennessee, he is seemingly surrounded by lots of close-minded individuals--many of them his Facebook 'friends'--whom he skewers in his comedy to the delight of his fans.

Trae messes with the idea that Southerners are one homogenous group. He's not what you'd expect, and that's the hook. Contrary to what some Southerners might think, Trae is not a Northerner in disguise. He's from a small town in rural Tennessee. He's a red state, country boy with a mind that he's not afraid to use. Trae's mission is not just to show fellow Southerners & Northerners that there are those south of the Mason-Dixon line who are both atheist and liberal, but to also show those Southerners who are more aligned with Trae's beliefs that they are not alone.

To those who wish America were a religious state: 'Oh, honey, bless your heart...' 'I recommend you try Saudi Arabia...' Blunt thoughts on Trump: 'Fuck Donald Trump with a prickly pear.' 'He's full of shit & a hypocrite.'

You'll want to be at a safe distance when Trae gets his 'red back up'. ;)


  1. Stereotypes SHOULD be subverted. Often.

    1. Agreed, E.C.! And Trae does a brilliant job.

  2. I'm a southerner and my farm is in hillbilly land. My housekeeper recently told me women shouldn't be allowed to vote! She knows I'm an atheist yet she "prays" for me and talks it up. When I tell her there has been six die offs in the history of the world, she says there's only been one and it was a flood. There is no reasoning with her.

    1. She doesn't believe women should vote?! That boggles the mind. My cousin became a creationist in mid-life. There's no talking to her anymore about anything other than 'how's the family?'

  3. That guy is hilarious.

    I'm a Christian, but I'd also like to think I'm not a raging moron....

    Some of the comments for his videos are ridiculous. I know it's youtube and you can't really expect much less than swarms of infectious human waste, but it's still frightening.

    1. Yeah, Trae made me laugh so hard I accidentally spit a bit on my laptop screen. I'm actively avoiding the comments under his vids. -can't take the bile folk like to spew.

  4. Ha ha like that ..... try it on Saudi Arabia.

  5. Too funny. I grew up in a red county (but in a blue state), so I know a bit about where he comes from. Not quite, but a bit.

    1. I grew up in a California beach town, and I get a bit about where he's from as well, sadly. Coastal Rednecks are real. :)


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