Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Dusk and the moon.

Tonight's evening walk was accompanied by a lovely moon. The color of the houses, already lively with pastel pinks, blues, greens & the occasional sherbet orange, took on a lovely hue under the moonlight.

Moon Over The Excelsior.

Street lights & moonlight.

Last look before I go indoors.


  1. WHAT a treat. Thank you for sharing the joy and the beauty.

  2. All very quiet and pretty it seems. Great shot of that Buck moon.

    1. It was very pretty. I'm glad I took myself outside as I hadn't realized that the moon would be there looming from above. I also didn't know it was called a 'Buck moon'! I'm going to have to 'google' that!

  3. Beautiful! The moon was exceptionally lovely last night, but my stupid phone just wouldn't focus on it. :/

    1. It was such a treat. I imagine that if I'd lost my way, then the moon would have been my beacon.:)

  4. The moon always seems bigger when it's in context with buildings. Great pics.

    1. Thanks, Liz. It was a lovely stroll around the 'hood.

  5. Hi, came over form Liz and last night the moon was shinning bright though a haze of clouds.
    If you fine the time stop by and say "Hi" and I'll be glad to share a cup coffee.


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