Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas time

We closed early at the shop yesterday. I have never worked anywhere that allowed for early closure on the 23rd, but I'm not complaining. Potential customers coming to the shop after 1.30p were the only ones upset by the change in schedule. As I was counting the till, I could see a lot of unhappy people peering through the shop window. Sorry!

A dear, sweet co-worker left me a wee gift at work on Wednesday. She's not made of money by any stretch, so I was touched she thought of me. The boss also 'played Santa' a bit. She spent a large part of the short day writing out Xmas cards for various and sundry people. Many of us at work received a gift along with our cards. -thoughtful, but re-gifting is imminent, if I'm honest.

Christmas will be a sleepy affair. The hubs went on a 100 mile ride today with a buddy. Their destination was somewhere around Point Reyes. I heard the trip was good, but windy. At least it didn't rain. Anyway, he'll likely not be up for much tomorrow. I figure I'll take a walk in Golden Gate Park or visit Ocean Beach. Maybe I'll do both. Who knows?! It's all very exciting...NOT.

It'd be nice if at least one decent coffee house were open tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.


  1. Happy Christmas. I hope your quiet day is also filled with love.

  2. Bea, I hope your day was good. I regifted several things in Christmas stockings and hoped they liked them. I can only use so much soap and lotion and my blood has turned to sugar so I regifted lots of candy.

    1. My day was peaceful, thanks. -went to Golden Gate Park and futzed around. I have a massive, strong-smelling candle I'm not sure I can re-gift successfully.

  3. I did a bit of regifting myself. Not a bad thing when the gift doesn't suit.

    1. Certainly so! I sometimes donate gifts to charity shops as well. Everyone likes a tea towel with a giant rabbit on it, right?

  4. Hi Bea, I hope you you had a lovely Christmas. I know I'm not around much, but always thankful that you stop by to visit me :) Much love from afar, cya on instagram

    1. Hey, D!
      Merry-Happy-New Year & xo from the 'left coast'. cya on instagram, indeed!


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...