Monday, January 23, 2017

SF Women's March

Snippets from yesterday's Women's March in San Francisco---

Exiting at Civic Center
En route to the UN Plaza

Our public transportation system, Bay Area Rapid Transport aka BART, never sees ridership like this. Any readers of this blog from around here can attest to that fact.

We got on BART at Glen Park. Our station wasn't too crowded, but the train sure was! All I could see was a blur of pink pussy hats on riders as BART pulled into the station. It was kind of exciting.

Crossing the street to get to the rally. -wall of people.

Rally-goers stood between the Asian Art Museum & the Main Branch Library. It was close quarters.

Woman above got a bit 'shove-y' in her quest to take photos. Fortunately, there weren't so many like her to be found yesterday. Most of us were just taking snaps with our mobile phones. It was all very civilized. -elbows to ourselves.

Some men at the march made better doors than windows. We finally got past them.

Initially, we couldn't see the stage & could barely hear the speakers. Eventually, however, we were able to make our way closer to the stage. A painter & Mills College professor called Hung Liu spoke. Her words were powerful. She spoke of the cultural revolution and its effect on her family, and, more specifically, her childhood & young adulthood. I found myself crying by the end of her speech. The other speakers, bless them, had passion, but not the same punch.

Piece by Hung Liu

City Hall lit pink for the Women's March
After two hours of listening to speakers & live music, we were ready to march. When I say 'we', I mean everyone else. I had stupidly not dressed for the elements I was pretty soaked after the rally. The hubs & I dragged our wet tails to the bus & went home.

Folk are readying themselves to march

Wet, muddy, and raring to go!
The Gorton's Fisherman aka the Hubs

Procession of marchers slowly wending their way toward Market Street
I have to say that I wish I had taken more picture of all the excellent signage folk had made for the march. One that made me chuckle was this: If my vagina could shoot bullets, then it would need regulation.

One clever woman had made a rather menacing sign of a vagina with pointy teeth. I think her slogan was: Try to grab this, Trump!

There was a drawing of a poo emoji with Trump's likeness as its face. That's always a good one.

There were just so many great slogans & drawings. I hope to see some enterprising person compile all the Women's March placards & sell it as a coffee table book. Heck, I'd buy it!


  1. I am so glad that the world has marched in solidarity.

    1. Me, too. On 7 continents there were demos. How amazing is that?

  2. I have heard more than one person ask for a coffee table book of the marches' signage. Lots of great pics on social media. Down south, we had a lovely sunny day. Sorry you got rained on. (Not that I marched. I'm not good with crowds. I was with you all in spirit.)

    1. The thought of being in a massive crowd did sort of freak me out, but it was actually pretty manageable. I was grateful for the well-behaved folk all around me. :)
      Joan Baez played as well. She still has a lovely voice. I saw her through the open umbrellas, fortunately.

  3. Replies
    1. Lots of women, lots of pussy hats, not a lot of bullshit.

  4. Hooray for you Bea. The masses will be heard. I'm proud of you for going.

    1. Thanks, Donna. Being at the event, reminded me that I'm not alone in feeling that this gov't is nuts & that we need to fight back.


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...