Tuesday, June 6, 2017


It was lunchtime and we were sharing a bench. She'd neglected to bring any food, so I gave her my extra bottle of water. It wasn't much, but it was hot out & she was sweaty. 'The light of God shone through Trump.'  I was staring, but trying not to look alarmed. 'He spoke to me through Donald Trump.' Now, I was trying not to laugh.

I really didn't want to get into it with her for many reasons. Chief among them was that if she were to leave because of something I might have said, then I would be washing both windows and frames of a massive house in Palo Alto by myself. It was already four in the afternoon and time was a-ticking.

She went on a bit longer about God and Trump until I felt compelled to say I didn't think Trump was a Christian. (Neither am I, but I didn't tell her that.) She seemed dubious, so I brought up the 'pussy grab' bullshit of last year. 'He didn't say that.' I told her about the film footage capturing the moment. 'Well, he didn't mean it.' I then mentioned his penchant for busting into the change rooms of beauty contestants in various stages of undress when he was in charge of pageants. 'Oh, really?'

Lunch was over and we got back to it. There was no more mention of Trump. She clocked out at 7pm, leaving the bottle of water I'd given to her on the porch. 


  1. Sigh. I suspect you haven't changed her mind. I wasn't aware of the change room thing, but sadly am not surprised. It is consistent with the image he presents.
    I do worry that your co-worker worked in the heat with neither food nor water.

    1. I neglected to mention that she was probably in her late 50s. The woman had stamina.

  2. The Trump backers I know don't want to hear anything he has done; they believe the press is out to get him. Please, someone get him, if only a barrage of tomatoes, something.

  3. The blind loyalty is troubling. John Dean wrote a book about it after noticing how a majority of Nixon supporters stayed Nixon supporters with many believing also that he had done nothing wrong. I think the book is called 'Conservatives Without Conscience'.

  4. The sad and scary thing is they want to remain ignorant. They think that we're lying to them about the facts. Of course, it could be the Dunning-Kruger effect.

    1. I think that this particular woman might be incapable of learning. The Dunning-Kruger effect could explain my Trump-voting ex-bro-in-law.

  5. 'I didn't want to get into it with her for many reasons'. I think you only needed the one...

  6. Anything and everything anout Trump depresses me

  7. Yes. He's a loon. Also: hope the impending vote in your country goes the way you want it!


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