Thursday, July 6, 2017



-picked up this lithograph at a charity shop somewhat recently for $45.00. The price felt laughably low, but I'm not complaining. After I took Ora home, I did a little research on the artist. Irving Amen was born in NYC in 1918. He lived a long and productive life, having only died some five years ago. Amen studied and traveled in Europe in the mid-twentieth century. He also taught at the Pratt Institute in Manhattan in the 1960s. He was a master of painting, printmaking, & sculpture.

I've checked out Amen's woodcut art online and it's superlative. I doubt I'll ever run across any of it at the local charity shops. Who spots a unicorn twice? I'll just count my blessings with the lovely Ora.


  1. She IS beautiful. I think you got a bargain - and a prize to treasure.

  2. Replies
    1. Me, too, Donna. As you know, it's amazing what you find at second-hand shops sometimes.

  3. Lucky. This sort of thing happens when someone has an item that they don't realize how valuable it can be. Although, there is the opposite problem, too.

    1. You're right. It also seems that some artists' work goes through phases of 'popularity', for lack of a better word. The monetary value of the art would seem to ebb and flow.


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