Thursday, April 26, 2018

A rose by any other name might be an orchid

When I was a kid I thought all flowers had an attractive scent. Of course, after sticking my nose into a lot of plants, I realised I was wrong. Some flowers smell lovely, some have a sort of vegetal scent, some no scent at all & some have a distinctly unpleasant aroma.

At the Conservatory the other day, I experienced all of the above with respect to our orchid collection. Currently in bloom we have an orchid that smells of roses, one smelling like fruity peach, one giving off a stale spearmint scent, one a sort of spicy clove-like aroma & these two below. 

This orchid smells of dung--

Tiny blossom, approx 1 1/2 in in length

This one smells of tangy citrus--

Also quite wee

The reason for this variation is that orchids have developed to attract their particular pollinator. I presume that the pollinator for our 'dung' orchid are flies. Perhaps the honey bee is attracted by the citrus-like scent of the spotted orchid below. It would seem that most orchids don't offer a nectar reward to those who stop by, hence their powerful aroma acting as a sort of rouse. It's an empty promise of 'Come and get it!' 

Are there any orchids you've come across that you particularly love or don't love for their scent? 


  1. I obviously need to stick my nose into more orchids. Or perhaps the ones I have come across are all on the bland side. Pleasant 'floral' is all I can remember.

    1. The smell of stinky socks, chocolate & more await you!

  2. I haven't smelled many orchids. Interesting flowers.

  3. Some intersting plants. My Easter Hysentiha are blooming now
    Coffee is on

  4. Dear Bea, I'm going to share this posting with my sister-in-law who loves flowers, has a gorgeous perennial gardens, and keep orchids in pots within her home. I don't think she knows this about the pollination! Thanks for sharing. Peace.

    1. Please, do share! Orchids are a fascinating bunch. :)

  5. My orchid knowledge is extremely limited so I can offer little to enhance this conversation but I did learn a lot and appreciate it. It feels like orchids can be a metaphor on my dating life in college. Take care.

  6. I've had many plants in my life, but never Orchids. I guess I thought if they were that pretty, they must be hard to grow. But I hopefully can stay away from the one that spells like dung :)

    1. Ha, yes. Avoid the stinky ones! They look tricky to grow to me, too. I think my mom had an orchid plant in her kitchen for a few years. -pretty, but no scent.

  7. Haven't noticed much scent from orchids. I particularly like the bottom one.

    1. Yes, the bottom one has a great petal pattern.


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