Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Another Little Prince

Like most cities, SF is no stranger to graffiti. Much of it isn't great, to be honest.

Last year, I discovered this lovely Little Prince while walking to my old Red Cross gig just outside downtown SF. -pretty clever stuff.


  1. Three cheers for all the Little Princes.

  2. That is delightful in a strange way.

  3. It is clever. As graffiti so rarely is.

  4. And wasn't he pretty little in the first place? We can take that on so many levels.

  5. Dear Bea. back in 1955, when I was in college, "The Little Prince" was a must-read for all of us! Two students put on a rendition of it with reading and dance.

    Then recently there's been the movie, which I saw and liked even though it differed somewhat from the book.

    After the movie I re-read my 1955 copy of "the Little Prince" and delighted in it again. So much wisdom. I know it greatly influenced my life. Peace.

    1. Interesting student memory! I still have an old copy & a 'book on tape' German version that I sometimes listen to. The story still resonates, as you mention.

      --haven't seen the film. I may just keep it that way. x


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