Monday, September 28, 2020

Chill and not chill.

Raise your hand if you've paid more in taxes than the D-rate, TV celeb currently occupying the White House! Seriously, fuck that guy. I know that this goes without saying, but he must be voted out of office come November. 

In addition to numerous beach visits, I've taken to watching orphan elephant videos on Youtube to help calm me down as we move ever closer to voting day. How are you keeping well during this run up to the election? (Side note: Elephants are capable of showing greater empathy than D. Trump and family.)

Baby Endoto keeping cozy under a blanket.

I had a wee car accident the other day. I don't know how, but I drove over a median. I wasn't traveling very fast, but I did do damage to the underside of the car. Oil leaked out fairly quickly; I needed a tow to the repair shop. To be honest, I have never really liked our car as it had a really big blind spot. It seemed to have something to do with the fact the car is a coupe. Instead of having a clear view out the backseat window, I had a view of more of the body of the car instead, if that makes sense. The having to double and triple-check with looks over the shoulder and still not always feeling confident that I'd had a clear view of the road before lane-changing was super stressful.  After repairs, we took the car in to the dealership and traded it in for the four-door version of our make and model, but with virtually no blind spot. What a difference two more doors make! Now, when I turn my head all I see is a clear, glass window. :) I opted for another manual transmission as well. Even though traffic congestion sometimes makes it seem as if I'm doing the cha-cha with the 1-2-3 gears, I feel that I have greater control while driving than I would have were I in an automatic. 

We're in another heatwave here. I awoke early around 7.30a and it was already around 23C/74F. It is now 31C/88F. Another wildfire broke out in Napa County over the weekend. Last time I checked, it was %0 contained. :( My cousin's in-laws may have to evacuate. -don't know yet. The air quality is poor again & we've been cautioned to stay indoors. Homes in SF traditionally do not have air-con. We do, however, have a few stand-alone fans. The fans are going and the window blinds are all closed. -throw in a couple of elephants-taking-mud-bath-videos and we should get through the hottest part of the day OK! 


  1. Replies
    1. Do you call it a median strip? It's the bit in the road that usually divides opposing lanes of traffic.

    2. Oh I see. Ours are usually a bit more forgiving than yours sound.

  2. Those underside scrapes can be so damaging. I'm all for manual transmissions, too.

    We're getting heat this week, too. Fingers crossed about more fires. Sorry to hear another one started up your way.

    1. Super damaging. Hope the heat won't cause too much trouble for you down south!

  3. Of course I paid more tax than the Trumpster. Despite being a low income earner. Hiss and spit.
    Hiss and spit at your accident too - though it sounds to have had a very happy ending.
    I love elephants (of course). Loyal, loving and beautiful. I have been turning to otter clips for solace. And finding it.
    I have family not far from Napa (who used to live there), and my heart goes out to them. And to everyone affected by the fires.

    1. Happy ending for sure! Elephants are tremendous creatures. The fire besieged the town of St. Helena, if that rings any bells for you. The tax stuff is just one more nail in an already crowded with nails coffin. :(

  4. So many modern cars have back windows like letter boxes. Hate them. I guess they think you use the wing mirrors when driving, and reverse with a camera. One of our requirements in a car is a clear rear view.

    1. And if the camera is on the fritz? What then? That's line relying on a fancy cash register to show you how much change to make for someone. Modern is good, but not across the board.

  5. Glad the mishap in your car had a happy ending. I feel for you over there what with the fires and Trump.

  6. My daughter had opportunity to buy a Saab, manual transmission, several years old, never driven, for a song. Long story. She is elated.

  7. Your new car sounds MUCH better. Blind spots are a real hazard on the road.

  8. I have definitely paid more than Don Cheeto. It still will not do anything to deter his followers. I don't know if it is all true but even if it is remotely true then it is a little scary how his debt can be used against him by other countries. Watching our rabbits play in the backyard has helped me cope and also going on hikes on the weekend. Congrats on the new car. Glad to hear it is already taking care of you.

    1. I can imagine that watching bunnies hop around is super soothing. Nature, any and all right now, is such a boon. I heard that the debates were a shit-show this evening. (No, surprise.) I'm glad I skipped them.

    2. I would never imagined it but I do love those bunnies.


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