Monday, October 19, 2020

Beach finds/Strandfunde, etc.

Three cheers for New Zealand! PM Ardern's party has been given a second term. Voting for those who believe in science is the way to go, obviously. May we here in the US follow in their footsteps!

Not only may we vote sensibly, but may we also veer from 'info-tainment' style news programs where 'soft ball' questioning reigns to those that have women like Tova O'Brien at the helm. 

Check out Ms. O'Brien interviewing former MP and misinformation spreader Jami-Lee Ross--

No rubbish, please. 

Hot sunset.

Neon green anemone!

Goopy matter and starfish.

We've had a doozy of a heatwave recently. Normally, our autumn months do include rather warm weather, but this last string of days has taken the cake. Last week and over the weekend, we regularly shot up to over 30C/86F. It always sounds more dramatic in Fahrenheit, so I'll tell you that it was 90F in San Francisco on more than one occasion. SF wasn't built for this sort of weather, literally. Our old rental has no air conditioning. We survived by shutting the drapes, plugging in a few stand-alone fans & eating popsicles (ice-lollies). 

During the heatwave, I spent a lot of time not cooling off at the beach. On one such seaside excursion, I found two wee items perfect for a certain function

Based on context, can you guess what this German compound noun means in English? 


I dropped off our ballots at City Hall last week. Before putting them in an official ballot box, I made sure that my slightly different than normal signature would be accepted. It was, so that's good. Approximately two weeks to go, eh? Fingers, toes and whatever else crossed that the majority have voted for the Democratic candidate. (And that all those votes be counted!)


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe I didn't write clearly what I found on the beach...
      It's the thing just below the Essstäbchen. :) Chopstick holder!

  2. Chopstick rest one: piece of brick? Two: piece of marble?

    1. Ding! Ding! Ding! -a piece of brick and a similarly shaped piece of rock that both function quite well as chopstick rests.

  3. Hooray for journalists who ask (and persist in asking) the hard questions.
    And hooray for Jacinda Adern (who incidentally tops the polls for Australia's Prime Minister). I wish, how I wish.
    I am so glad that you have been able to vote. And love your chopstick holder.

    1. Absolutely. More Tovas, please!

      It's a fun holder, right? Glad you like it. :)

  4. Yeah, it's been warm, hasn't it? If only our media would grill politicians like that. But it was pointed out that our media is owned by some rich folks, and they push their own agenda on their media arms, so the media is held back from actually doing the questioning they should. Something to think about.

    1. Yup. Our media, beyond PBS-sponsored shows, is very much biased by those deep-pocketed folk in charge.

  5. Ha, E-stabber holders! Three esses in a word? I've never seen that before.

    1. Yeah, the 3 's' situation came about after one of the many Rechtschreibreforme the German language has undergone in recent-ish years. The Es-set or 'double s' symbol has been dispensed with in many words which results in 3 esses in a row for some compound nouns. The word break here is between Ess (eat) and Stäbchen (little stick or rod, basically), so one could think of it as: Ess-Stäbchen.

    2. Perfect factoid for me, thank you!

  6. I was so pleased with the New Zealand election. If we all moved there the island probably would sink. Oh, wait. They won't have us.

    1. Ha. No, they probably won't unless we've some valuable skills to contribute. Guess it's too late for me to become an MD.

  7. So glad I came to New Zealand all those years ago. I had not seen that very good interview.

    1. A good decision, to be sure! Tova is a firecracker.

  8. Wish we could vote for Jacinda as President of the World.

  9. I second what Tasker said.
    I loved that interview you shared, "You want to have another crack at answering that."
    Can she come do the debate on Thursday.
    We had a nice little heat wave but it is going to get real cold, real soon. Below freezing by the weekend. Yuck.

    1. She's brilliant, right?

      Strange weather abounds...bummer.

  10. Good for that interviewer. Yeah, our news pretty much stopped the hard questioning when TV news ceased being independent and their departments were determined to be profit-making parts of the business. Public service in name only. Savannah Guthrie didn't do too bad but think it was not good programming to even schedule that program when they did.

    1. Exactly. Our news has long since slipped into the realm of 'infotainment'.

  11. Dropping by via Elephant's Child, stumbling upon Essstäbchen, the corners of my mouth started an expedition to my ear-lobes.
    My wish to become the politest blogger in this universe and those yet to discover saves me from writing some very naughty words related to "sss" and other nonsense.
    After all, I only wanted to leave a short com(pli)ment.
    Herewith done.


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