Thursday, November 11, 2021

Dog dropping and cats

I slipped on dog shit twice while working on the same property last week. Once I could maybe understand, but TWICE?! The elderly client on whose gutters we were working does not own a dog, I should add. Not only did I slide on the poo as if it were banana peel, but I had clocked it beforehand while walking across the lawn in the (gated) backyard. My my eyes spied the pile of poo on the grass and then my brain said: AVOID. But did I listen? Nope. Ick. I'd really like to know who lets their dog take a dump in someone's yard and doesn't then clean it up?

The two new house-cats are settling in fairly well. Sometimes they wrestle a bit too hard with one another and then need to be separated, but there is no hissing or growling between them when they do scrap, so that's good. 

As I type, Marcel is entertaining himself with an avocado seed by hitting it across the kitchen floor like PelĂ©. Bart is waiting for either my husband or I to take the feather toy down from the top of the fridge and wave it around dramatically. It's interesting for me as someone who has never owned two cats at once to note how different cats' personalities can be from one feline to the next. While these two each usually have very distinct play habits, both go bonkers for the toy that sort of resembles a mouse tethered to a wand by a long strand of leather cord. 

Exhibit A

Bart will not let the mouse toy go.

Exhibit B

And neither will Marcel!

Both cats have taken to running with the mouse toy, stick pulling along on the floor behind them, from one room to the next. Bart will eventually drop the toy like an offering on a mat in the kitchen. Marcel will usually sit with it under the kitchen table, with no one around, all the while growling. Is there catnip sewn into the toy? We actually don't know. However, I do suspect that in another (outdoor) life, these two could have been champion mousers!


  1. The worst thing about slipping on dog shit is that you usually and up sitting in it, then have to walk home hoping that people don't assume that the filth stuck to your rear is your own.

  2. Good to hear that they cats are getting along for the most part. Still have never been owned by a cat but your stories make it seem like something I should consider, Bea. I don't know if Frizzle or our bunnies would feel the same way. Take care.

  3. Sorry about the falling. That's never fun. I wonder how the dog got in.

    I guess it's too bad you don't actually have mice?

    1. If we did, then we'd be sorted with these two!

  4. Very contented cats. Not good about the dog poo though.

    1. I felt for the older client as well. Now she has to deal with it!

  5. Sounds like you're having lots of fun entertainment.

  6. Dear Bea, having lived with twelve cats since 1972, I can attest that each is different and discovering their personalities is part of the joy of living with them. So glad that Bart and Marcell have you, and you, them. Peace.

    1. I'm glad, too. I did have to clip their wee nails today and that was a bit of a stressor. Marcel is not to be handled in a way he doesn't like! Be well, Dee. x

  7. Cats are fun to watch. Ours were too good at bringing home their caught trophies for us. One of the two could scratch open the sliding screen door which was a problem. So, we had to be on guard.
    Sandy's Space Do swing by for a visit.

    1. They are a treat to observe, for sure. Screens are no match for their claws, unfortunately!


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