Tuesday, December 13, 2022

News of the states-

Our government has traded a basketball player caught with THC on her person for an international arms dealer with Russia. Fair trade? No, but I'm glad Brittney Griner is no longer toiling away in a penal colony somewhere in the former USSR. Meanwhile, another incarcerated American, Paul Whelan, must remain languishing in a Russian jail waiting until, I guess, Putin determines that the US has another baddie imprisoned who needs to be released. 

Brittney Griner held in Russia

Gay marriage AND interracial marriage was just codified in the constitution, fortunately. I'm glad that we took this step, but I still can't believe we actually had to make it at all. Don't even get me started on the massive loss of women's bodily autonomy with the overturning of Roe v Wade. I could spit I'm so angry about it. Does this mark the first time that the Supreme Court has actually engaged in taking AWAY rights from Americans? Justice Alito can suck pointy rocks. 

In the state of Georgia, the incumbent senator, Rev. Warnock, BARELY held onto his seat after being challenged by Herschel Walker, a former football player and walking, talking Mr. Potato Head. That Walker was even in the running for this senate seat shows that apparently an unqualified rube is better than a qualified Democrat in the eyes of many Republican voters. Our two-party system is no longer working, if it ever did. An us-against-them mentality seems to rule the day and we voters are all the poorer for it. 


  1. The USA is in dire straits thanks to Trump and his cult of angry white bigots.

  2. I watch your politics in horror - not least because it encourages our own right wingers. I am so glad that gay and interracial marriage have been protected (and shudder at the necessity).

  3. I think Debra is right. Divisiveness was Trump's legacy. Over here our politicians have begun to learn just how useful it can be.

  4. I blame the loss of the fairness doctrine and making news broadcasts profitable. The news channels get viewers by turning everything into a cage match, so it's no wonder that that's what politics has become.

    1. This is a really good point, Liz. The 'info-tainment' news format seems to now rule the day.


A piece of your mind here:

Postal Service, part II

One of the pluses of working as a letter carrier, we were told more than once during classroom training, was that one would 'lose weight...