Saturday, October 6, 2018

Bored doodle

I've been laid up with a bum foot for the duration. The doc says I have capsulitis. How fun. In the past week or so I've watched ALL of the Netflix. ALL OF IT. I'm so bored.

Today, I remembered that I like to doodle and I have the most of tools with which to do it! For the past hour I've been drawing my favorite bird, the European Robin. I write 'European' because our No. American variant is basically a Black Bird with a red breast. -very different.

Here's my doodle of the dear Euro-Robin: (please, bear in mind that I neither have a decent eraser nor do I have every colored pencil under the sun, so my robin looks a bit blue tit in hue)

We had a robin who visited us regularly in the garden when we lived in Greenwich. He would usually come to greet us when we dined outside. Crumbs always came his way. He was no dummy. American robins, by contrast, are not interested in humans or their food at all. They'd rather be out on a lawn pulling up worms.


  1. Haha for American robins. Years and years ago I was painting a room. It rained and rained and I had the windows open. I stopped to admire the view and a robin caught my attention. It ate so many worms I wondered if he could lift off. But, he did. He spent an hour catching worms, flying to the phone line wire and dropping the catch. Over and over and over....
    Your little bird is lovely. Get better, please.

    1. Oh, my, yes. Our robins are totally worm-focused!

      The euro-robin is so much more engaging.

      Thanks for your kind words. x

  2. We also have robins. Those responsible for naming birds suffer from a serious lack of imagination. They are mostly insectivores though some seed doesn't go astray either.
    I hope your pain backs off quickly.

    1. Thank you, EC! Also: I just looked up Australian robins & yours appear to have a pink breast!

    2. We have a range of robins, and some of them do indeed have pink breasts.

    3. Ahhhh...more googling is in order. :)

    4. I'm thrilled by all the robins in your neck of the woods. Australasian robins are a multifaceted group. The scarlet robin is particularly adorable.

  3. I love your European robin - just as I remember them "back home". Here is a link to the New Zealand Robin

    1. The toutouwai are a treat! And there is not a spot of red/orange in sight. :)

      I'm glad my robin reminded you of 'back home'.

  4. I like your robin. How can you forget that you like to doodle?

    1. I think the pain was blocking my ability to think. That and the low-level self-pity...

  5. Looks great. Yeah, after a while, TV bores.

    1. Thanks, yeah. Now I'm watching Anthony Bourdain's old show, but it's making me a bit sad.


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