Monday, October 8, 2018

Hot pink pencil

I have been checking out 'robins of Australia' on the internet recently and found scads of images of this little guy. You might not be able to tell by the drawing above, but the male pink robin, actually has a HOT PINK breast. I didn't have a hot pink pencil, so I used just regular old pink and a bit of red pencils instead. I'd love to visit Tasmania in order to see this bird up close and personal. I wonder if he's people-shy?


  1. He is a honey isn't he? Not a bird I have ever seen for myself. And I would love to. I suspect that like most robins they are wary, but not frightened.

    1. Yes, he's a dear. I read that they are endemic to SE Australia. I would imagine a trip to Tasmania may be in order to have a gander at these lil' guys.

  2. I used to go out with a girl called Robin who was similarly endowed.

  3. My god, what you could do with a tin of Prismacolors!

    1. I need better pencils and, perhaps, a better sharpener. (Nevermind needing better skills.)

  4. They have weird critters in Australia.

  5. Rotkehlchen gibt es auch bei uns sie sind vorsichtig aber nicht scheu in der Regel.

    1. Ich finde es interessant, dass die Rotkehlchen in GB ziemlich 'menschenfreundlich', sozusagen, sind. Es ist vielleicht, weil sie immer Futter erwarten!


A piece of your mind here:

Earthquakes and old friends...

I was en route to my mom's place in the East Bay around 11a when a warning message flashed across my phone's screen: TSUNAMI WARNING...