Wednesday, January 23, 2019


I popped the postcard to John in Wales into the post today. -walking those few blocks to the post office was a challenge, but the weather is absolutely lovely today (17C/62F), so I enjoyed my very slow saunter in the sun! 

Speaking of temps, I'm still hot under the collar regarding what happened in DC last weekend. The main brat who stood in front of the elder smirking (his PR firm says he was 'praying') has been invited on a morning chat show to, I guess, talk about how he was actually trying to take the air out of a rather tense situation. Yes, folks, he was actually the 'Gandi' of the melee in his MAGA cap who was, let us not forget, in DC to demonstrate against women's bodily autonomy. 

These sorts of anti-choice demos featuring entitled Catholic school boys were neither a feature of my teen years nor of my 20s. The numbers of people who are interested in wrestling bodily control away from women have certainly grown in my lifetime. It's a very unfortunate development. 

My Uncle sent me the below photo of Grandma's house in the Mission. She lived there with her first husband in the 1930s. Goodness knows how many hundreds of dollars were paid to buy this (then) not very old home. I think it's worth 2 million now. Bummer it was sold out of the family years and years ago. If I remember the story correctly, her son from that marriage inherited this and a few other properties and 'gambled them all away'. How nice. I could make some sort of sad collage of images of all the homes both sides of my family owned here. They are all G-O-N-E. 

Yesterday, we bid near the estimate on a small house out in the Sunset District. Because there were a few challenges with the home that would need $$$ to make better, we did not bid as high as we would have had there been no issues. The listing agent, who was also the owner of the house, reportedly received ten offers and ours fell short. I'm not unhappy, but living two blocks from the beach would have been pretty rad. 


  1. You are more organised than I am. I haven't (yet) sent John a post card.
    Like you I am still hot under the collar (which I need like I need a root canal and a pap smear) over the spin which has been applied to the smirker.
    Good luck on the next house - and yes, living close to the ocean (or almost any body of water) would be bliss.

    1. It's strange stuff. Natives aren't simply 'banging drums' at people in some sort of aggressive way. That isn't what Mr. Phillips was doing. That we don't know much about Native culture is a huge embarrassment to me.

    2. And thank you for the good luck wishes on nabbing a house. We shall need it...

  2. I do hope you find a suitable house shortly. Both buying and selling houses can be quite stressful.

    1. Yes, it would seem to be! We are fortunate in that we are in no real rush, so that is a point in our favor.

  3. Sending you good vibes on the house search.

    We should boycott that morning show. I'm so steamed that they're giving that entitled punk a platform...

    1. Guthrie disappoints. I tweeted at her a bunch today. :D

  4. Yeah. "Praying." Riiiiiiiiight. I hope Karma bites him on the ass some day.

    1. Right?! Or maybe he was 'preying'. I wish the chaperones had done a better job of keeping the kids in check. Perhaps then none of this garbage would have ever happened.

  5. Sorry your bid wasn't the highest, but I hope you find the perfect house soon. By the sea would be perfect. Our house in AZ is by a lake and I love looking out on the water every day.

    1. Oooh, a lake view is lovely to have. There was a bit of relief when we didn't get the place, to be honest. I liked the idea of being near the beach more than I liked the house itself!

  6. People who bought their houses here in 1970 are now millionaires whose children cannot afford to leave home.

    1. A buddy of mine who grew up in Berkeley in the 70s and 80s calls those type of homeowners 'landed gentry'. We've a lot of them here as well!

  7. Yes, lots of practice walking to the beach. Ah, well.
    The kid's story is going nowhere. Too much spin. It may curve back and smack him in the mouth.

    1. I could have used the practice walking to the beach, to be sure. The house wasn't stellar, so there's relief at not having gotten the darn thing.

      I can't watch the garbage interview on the Today Show with him. I would, however, watch an interview with Phillips. I did hear him on Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman, but a larger platform is needed.

  8. Bummer about the house near the beach. Sounds pretty cool except for all of $$$ needed to spruce it up. Hope you have better luck with your bid.


A piece of your mind here:

When it rains, it pours.

It has been pouring water out of the sky on and off for the past week, I'd say, and I really wish the title of this post were actually r...